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Linda Lombardi Linda Lombardi was healed of a spirit of cancer when the brethren in our meeting rebuked it, although she was not present. She related to us how that later that same night what looked like smoke came out of her nose and she knew she was healed. Here is her testimony. Please note that she had faith to be healed. Dave, My name is Linda Lombardi. I am writing to you as a request from a prayer group member to share how Jesus healed me from a potential deadly lung nodule. I want to tell you how Jesus touched my life. Jesus healed me. These words are true beliefs that Jesus Christ heals those who ask and have faith. The beginning of my testimony started a day in January 2001. My doctor's office called to tell me I had an inconsistency on my chest x-ray and I needed to go to the hospital for another x-ray. The second x-ay was not any better than the first. A CT scan was ordered. The suspicious spot was a 10 cm nodule in the upper right lobe. That night after numerous Internet searches, I was devastated to learn most nodules are malignant. My father died of lung cancer in 1998 and I am very familiar with the disease. At this point I started to do a lot of praying. Even though I knew Jesus heard my prayer, I did not have peace yet. The first of February, my doctor sent me to a pulmonary specialist. The first thing Dr. Wagner told me that I was not to worry. The surgeon would remove my lobe and I would not have to under go chemo or radiation. He started to ask questions about health, lifestyle, etc. The more we talked, he decided to wait and repeat the CT scan in two months, At this point, I told Dr. Wagner that God would heal me. He did not say anything, but I am sure he thought I was deluded. I am a very quiet and reserved person. I usually do not share information of this nature with many people, however, the Holy Spirit prompted me to tell Dr. Wagner how Jesus would heal my lung. I saw Bob in March and told him my predicament and as we talked, I asked his group to pray for my healing. I believed Jesus would heal me. This was a Tuesday. I did not see Bob during the week, but I KNOW his prayer group prayed for me on Saturday night. A peace that is beyond all understanding came over me Saturday night. During the middle of the night I saw an evil spirit leave my lungs and I KNEW I was healed. As April arrived, it was time to repeat the CT scan. The doctor at the Imaging Center observed the entire scan. He reported the nodule was starting to calcify and in his opinion, the nodule is benign. Tears and praise flowed, as Jesus had healed me. Dr. Wagner told me I was one lucky lady. I reminded him that Jesus would heal me. He did not acknowledge anything yet, but he knows that this healing was a miracle. The whole point of this testimony is to witness to you that Jesus hears our prayers, He knows our pain, and honors His commitment to us when we believe Him and the works of His hands. I hope these words encourage and support you. Your sister in Christ. Linda
Linda then was encouraged to ask us to believe for her son who needed salvation, which we did, and he was saved the next day. Even though Terry was saved he was under powerful drugs because of a mental breakdown. He had been in a mental institution for four years. He came to our meeting and we suggested deliverance which he was agreeable to. We cast out several demons and he immediately felt a heavy weight lift from his shoulders. At that time we told him that he no longer needed the drugs because he was healed and delivered. He dropped all medication at that time and within days he was normal, functioning well, reading his bible and growing in God. At that time he had a flashback that brought a memory back which he had suppressed. He had been molested by a Catholic priest when he was a child and was threatened to not report it. This began demonic possession that brought him to a humbled estate so that he realized his need of a Savior. God works all things together for good. If this had not happened his success at business could have driven him far from any desire or need of God. Dave