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Unleavened Bread Ministries with David Eells

Back Restored By Faith

Keith McIlroy - 12/16/2010

A couple of years ago, God needed me to slow down and listen to Him, so He sent me a trial. I was working on two construction jobs; one of them the homeowner's wife was going out of town for about 10 days. I had already taken over most of their house-wrecking stuff. Well, it was an excellent time to infringe on the space they had left and destroy their kitchen. I was stepping out of my tractor and twisted my back. I almost had to be carried to the vehicle, then to bed when I was home. God had about a week of working things out with me. As soon as I got that out of the way, I was back to work.

The first day back I was running the sledgehammer, smashing concrete. I was tempted more than once to be easy on my back. People helping me were like, 'You need to be careful or you will be back in bed'. I said, no, my back was healed totally at the cross and that I didn't need to be careful.

The next day, we needed to put up a large weight-bearing beam; it probably weighed 300 lbs. My brother grabbed one end, me the other, and carried it into the house and up a ladder into place, then did it again as there were two halves to the beam. Everybody who saw it knew it was a miracle. Two days before it was taking almost one hour to go 10 feet to the bathroom and back.

A few days ago, I was bending over the computer to help my son, Shane. My back popped. I thanked God I was healed and continued with my day. My back felt sore but not bad. The next day, the exact same thing happened. This time my back felt way worse. I went to lay down; it was early afternoon. By 9:00 that evening it was so bad that I could barely breathe. My back would spasm and I couldn't breathe; then, finally after what seemed like forever, I could breathe again for a few seconds until it went again. I finally went to sleep around 3:00 am but woke up a lot with the pain.

The next day was about the same. I sent a quick email to David to ask him to pray for me. By that evening I had been laying in one spot on my back for more than 24 hours. With the contractions of my back I was soaked in sweat. Yes, I was begging God for mercy. I was asking Him for strength.

So I thought, if I was healed at the cross there was no reason I could not go have a shower. I needed it. When I thought on this, I knew it was right. So I asked my wife to come agree with me that I was healed so I could go have a shower. Well, It felt like I almost passed out a couple of times trying to roll over onto my stomach. But by the grace of God I got my feet on the floor. Then I got into a standing position, then walking, then up the stairs. By the time I got to the shower, I was feeling soooo much better. By the time I was done with my shower, I was 99% better.

It took a couple of days for Satan to stop trying to convince me I wasn't totally healed. But I was. I will say I was glad for the trial. I learned how powerful it is to ACT on the promises. How much quicker we can get to the end of the trial.

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