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Kate - 05/20/2008 In 1982 I was involved in a car accident and injured my spine at the T-2 and T-3 vertebrae. The injury deteriorated over the years and the doctors labeled me with many conditions which I now know I didn't have to accept. At my worst, I was unable to stand to peel even one potato and was in indescribable pain. Through faith in the word and the prayer of faith with two Christian friends, God was true to His Word and began to manifest a healing in my back. It didn't happen all at once but slowly as I walked in faith and continued to believe that which was not as though it were. Many times after I would pray, the pain would increase and symptoms would worsen, but as I stood in faith, our Father was also faithful to answer my prayer of deliverance through His Son Jesus Christ; and the next day, I would feel better. It was a trial of my faith, but I would skip down my little hall as an act of faith. Praise God, I have overcome and I no longer have any use for my wheelchair. Our little prayer group prayed ten times and I also was given a vision of a road sign which read, "Work in Progress". We have an awesome Father who heard, answered my prayer of deliverance, and as a result was a testimony to the entire church. I could feel the hand of God operating on my back as the healing manifested in 2007. My life I now live for Jesus Christ -- my Savior, Redeemer and Friend. May you find courage and may Jesus Christ manifest a healing in you, as well.