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Sean Lynch - 07/01/2009 In a dream last night, the Lord showed me about a coming crucifixion for the brethren. In the dream, I was in either a hotel or some type of big castle. During this dream, there were many events going on, but the lord is only bringing certain things to my remembrance. In one of the events, I remember I was outside of the hotel and I heard on a loudspeaker tuned to a secular radio station, David's voice. He was preaching the gospel to the world. I thought this was awesome because now David's message was going to the whole world and was reaching many people. The next event I remember, I was inside this hotel and I saw a group of people approaching me. Then the fire of God fell upon me with holy boldness because I started preaching the Word with boldness and no fear like the early apostles did when the Holy Spirit fell upon them. (Normally I'm very shy and not bold. The Lord has been working on me with this and I believe He has shown me that He is going to make me speak with boldness. "God's power is made perfect in our weakness".However, these people did not receive the message of the gospel, as they started laughing and scoffing and went their own way. The next scene I remember, I was in a long walkway with doors on both sides. I believe I was with another brother in Christ. Suddenly, a mountain of a man with long hair, very strong and looking like a professional wrestler, walked in to pummel whoever got in his path. The other brother took off and both doors shut and I was left alone with this man. (The Lord was forcing me into crucifixion.) I decided I was going to preach the gospel to him which, at the time, seemed crazy because this man looked like he wanted to rip me from limb to limb; however, I felt holy boldness rise up in me and went and stood by the man and preached the Word with boldness to him. After I was done preaching, he just stood there and looked at me and then proceeded to beat me up very badly. I did not strike back but let him pummel me. I do not know if he had killed me or not but I knew the Lord was showing me to turn the other cheek. I then was taken to another scene where I saw this same man was changed because I did not fight back. He was now a fire-breathing gospel evangelist and was preaching to other people. I then remember him preaching to a group of people and then he was beaten, as well. I do not know if he was killed. (The Lord had showed me that because of my testimony of turning the other cheek and going to my cross that this man was saved and was allowed to go to his cross.) I remember being deeply touched by this brother who had gone to his cross. I remain touched even now as I'm writing this because the Lord is truly showing me how to lay my life down for the brethren and what is meant to go to our cross. The Lord has shown me that there are many brothers and sisters in the world who will come into the kingdom as a result of our willingness to turn the other cheek and overcome evil by laying our lives down.