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Project Avalon's Bill Ryan with Dr. Bill Deagle - 06/19/2010 DR. BILL DEAGLE: What we're dealing with in the Gulf of Mexico is an oil volcano. And I use that term for it because it's called a batholith, which is abiotic oil that's down five to six miles, and below that is a giant reserve of magma, which is liquid rock. The problem is that British Petroleum probably had access to classified information to be able to see this deposit, because the ocean floor has been raising and lowering around the planet, including raising off the northeastern coast of Australia, at the rate of 13-feet per day for the last few months. And the ocean floor changes. This means there's been a change in the pressures below this batholith by the movement of magma. That's why we're seeing more earthquakes and volcanoes all over the planet including in Iceland. The British knew that this was going to be a giant reserve, and I can say this conclusively: The three largest easy reserves to the oil in the world. The first one is one that people haven't yet got into; it's actually just directly off the coast about 10, 20 miles, just directly east of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, which is south of this one. The next largest is this reserve which is in the Gulf of Mexico, that they tapped into. That's the second largest easy deep oil reserve on the planet. What's happened is, this is abiotic, which means it's going to keep refilling, so there are three major dangers happening: The first of these are ones that are already being measured. The first is that we're going to have the burping of lots of toxic gases, hydrogen sulfide, benzene, and volatile organic hydrocarbons. All of them are lethal. The worst of them is probably the hydrogen sulfide. And the dosages of gases that are coming out are already well above the lethal dosage at the water level. RYAN: And that's already happening, isn't it, Dr. Bill? DEAGLE: That's already happening. Now, it means that those gases burp a large burp and there have been cases that occurred in Africa and elsewhere where there are volcanic lakes where the gases will burp up and then they'll just kill all the villagers within miles. RYAN: That happened in the Cameroon, didn't it, with carbon dioxide? DEAGLE: That's right. And it wasn't just carbon dioxide, it was other gases mixed in with it. This one has a whole mixture of toxic gases that are particularly lethal. So that's the first major danger. Right now there are something like 7 exercises going on, state and Federal, with a number of exercises by FEMA for mass evacuation from Brownsville, Texas, to Pensacola, Florida, so they're getting ready the last month. And they have been doing operational exercises on a massive oil spill even over the last several years and all the places where those oil spill data have been posted on web sites have been scrubbed in the last 60 days; so they removed all of the evidence that they were doing previous massive evacuation oil spill disasters. And that was the government. Okay? That's the first disaster is gas. The second -- and we're going to have on the third hour today Dr. Tim Ball who's a climatologist from Vancouver Canada, one of the top in the world. -- I'm going to call this talk the Skin Of The Oceans talk, because what happens is, when the oil comes up, especially with this Corexit dispersant which disperses it, it actually puts an oil layer over the top of the water so your evaporative water losses drop; it also will increase the heat absorption of ultraviolet light and infrared light into the Gulf of Mexico, so it will increase the number of hurricanes and major super storms; and it will carry the Corexit and the oil inland when they do occur, but otherwise it may actually significantly alter the ability for moisture to enter the clouds that will then carry it inland, drop water over the crops in the cities in the southern United States, northeast and the southeast United States. (This did happen, especially when the oil and dispersant was still on the surface.) So in other words, we could have a decrease in rainfall that could be affected; and it also is very probably going to affect what's called the loop current escalator that brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico to Europe to keep Europe from freezing over and turning into an ice age. (This has happened. The Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Drift Stream are also dead, affecting all the streams which control the air currents that stabilize weather and crops in their normal areas. Strange weather is destroying crops worldwide, binging high prices and failure to the economy and ultimately famine.) RYAN: Is that the same thing as the Atlantic conveyer? DEAGLE: Same thing. So the Atlantic conveyer is going to be affected. It's already poisoned and we're in the danger now that if the Atlantic conveyer is affected negatively, it could tilt it toward an ice age. (Some scientists are now saying this is happening.) What's happening in the Gulf of Mexico, is, British Petroleum were beyond incompetent. They drilled an area at the depths where they knew the pressures were going to be somewhere up to 100,000 pounds per square inch, and it's at least 68,000 pounds per square inch; so they put the wrong pipes down, they put sea water instead of drill mud to try to cut corners, and apparently they modified the blowup preventers, so there weren't even hydraulics on it to close the valve. So British Petroleum, instead of being seized which should be done, the company should be seized, we're dealing with a situation now where the people in the Gulf are in danger of not only their industry and their tourism destroyed and their jobs, but also the danger of a gas release, the danger that the Corexit which is around 800 to a million gallons they purchased all this dangerous material, and the EPA ordered the BP people to stop using it and they told them they weren't going to stop. Well, all it does is disperse it, it doesn't fix it. And it actually could be more toxic than the oil, because they can use fungi and bacteria that will actually bio-convert oil into organic waste, so if they simply seed this from planes over the area, they could have cleaned it up. And they also probably should have consulted the Russians to put nukes in the territory around the drill site (The Russians have no experience with nukes under 5+ miles of water. This could be a catastrophe.), because, apparently, the pipe broke about 1,000 feet below the sea floor and now it's percolating up and there are vents up to 5 to 20 miles away from the drill site that are actually coming up to the surface with these giant plumes; so they estimate conservatively 2.5 - 2-million gallons per day. And it increased 20 percent last week when they cut the top of the pipe where it was kinked and have tried to put something to capture it, but they don't even have another super tanker ready to pick up the oil. So the second thing that is likely is we're going to have an effect on the water supply and increased super storms in the Gulf. But the most dangerous is the third thing that's likely to happen. And I have scientists who have contacted me now and others alerting me inside the government that both FEMA and Homeland Security are very concerned that their scientists are telling them there's a danger of a volcanic tsunami occurring. That means when the oil at some point, whether it's 2 months or 10 months, but it's more likely to happen in the soon, like probably by the middle of this summer, that if enough oil comes out and sea water gets down there and it gets below the zone where the oil is and it makes contact with the magma which is pushing up the oil, then we're likely to see a superheated steam which is what drives all of the volcanoes along the subduction zone, say the Ring of Fire, is all driven by steam. Most people don't realize the steam actually is the thing that drives it, and it's likely to cause a giant explosion with the change in the ocean floor and the tsunami they estimate could be between 80 and 200-feet high going 400 to 600 miles an hour that could carry 50 to 100 miles inland and could cross -- because most of Florida's only 50-feet above sea level, it could cross the peninsula of Florida from the western coast of Florida to the east. RYAN: Can I stop you just a moment, Dr. Bill? If the oil is coming out at very high pressure, and I have sources that confirm those pressures that we've been talking about -- I don't understand how the sea water could get down there, because surely what happens is -- if you fast forward this, then what happens is the pressure is gradually relieved. We don't know whether that's going to be in months, weeks or decades, but then what happens when the pressure's relieved, then you get an equilibrium situation, and I don't understand how the sea water could actually get in the reservoir. Can you explain that to me? DEAGLE: What happens is that there's a period of that time when it's fluctuating around the equalization point where the pressure coming out is equal by the 68,000 to 100,000 p.s.i coming in and the sea water will mix with the oil and get down into the area of the bottom of the batholith which is actually a fractured zone where there's a movement of magma below this giant oil deposit. So, in other words, it's like the subduction zone. We don't know how long it will take for it to finally percolate just like a steam kettle. What will happen is some of the oil -- and this is what our scientists are telling us --is that the water at some point will get under this area and it will actually precipitate a steam-generated raising and then lowering or dropping of sea floor that will create a tsunami. (Water is heavier than oil. As the oil pressure drops, the very high pressure water would be injected in with the oil and fall to the bottom. If it contacted magma, each drop of water would expand 1600 times, causing a steam explosion.) RYAN: This is very similar to what Richard Hoagland was reporting on Coast To Coast a couple of nights ago. You may already be familiar with that. DEAGLE: No, I didn't hear about that, but I've heard from other sources, really from my scientists that are contacting me that we're in grave danger of three things: The gas release killing people, the changes in the climate there with super storms, and then the third thing which is the most dangerous of all is the steam-related super tsunami that could occur. The other thing that we should realize is that it's not just the steam; there are hundreds of millions of tons at this particular area in the ocean of methane hydrates. Hundreds of millions of tons. RYAN: It's all frozen, isn't it? (Methane hydrate is only in a frozen state under tremendous pressure but when that falls to the equalization point, it would multiply many times as it turns to gas and water and bursts to the surface, exploding at the first source of ignition, i.e. ships, rigs and equipment there. This sudden expansion can cause a kick or blowout in a well, as it did with the BP well. Many scientists believe that if it didn't explode, the release of large amounts of this would cause catastrophic climate changes and even an extinction event, which has happened before.) DEAGLE: It's all frozen. What happens is that it doesn't need oxygen, because of the actual chemistry down there, some of the things they're doing could ignite the methane hydrates and cause with all these other events, like the volcanic tsunami thing, could also cause tsunamis. So we have two possible mechanisms that could cause a tsunami to push oil and debris and boats and everything with the oil rigs. And this is the other danger is it could destroy 40 percent plus of the oil production facilities in the United States on all those rigs and kill millions of people. 1/16/11: Scientists and geologists are alarmed that the ocean floor is continuing to crack and release larger and larger amounts of oil. They fear it may set off the New Madrid fault which adjoins it. On the other hand, the New Madrid could tear the Biloxi Dome and the release would become a world disaster beyond anything we have seen yet from this area.
Posted on January 16, 2011 by concernedcitizensofflorida The following letter has been sent to Congressmen Fred Upton and John Simkus by BK Lim, Geohazards Specialist, (Click here for CV) in response to our request to inform the US Congress about a situation of which that they appear to be unaware. The growing need for a real US Congressional Inquiry into the matter of the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) - the site of the BP Oil Spill which began on April 20, 2010 - has been apparent for many months now. This letter represents a turning point for the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference in that this International Citizens' Initiative has decided that overwhelming evidence exists that points to a situation that has not been properly addressed. Therefore, the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico sits in a state of abeyance of sorts. Until the residents who domicile there, and citizens who work there, are transparently apprised of the true state of the blown out well and surrounding area, this conference will not rest. Likewise, until these very concerned citizens receive an accurate and truthful appraisal of the state of the GOM waters, estuaries, wetlands, beaches, marshes, this international citizens' initiative will continue to serve its mandate - to perform a service where both government and industry have woefully failed. We trust that the good congressmen will convene the appropriate congressional hearing in order to ferret out the facts surrounding the state of the previously gushing well. We would also hope that this inquiry will investigate the state of affairs throughout the entire region of the Macondo Prospect, since the seafloor has been significantly compromised. Evidence has surfaced to support these conclusions and we ask that a governmental forum be established immediately to determine the truth. The future of the Gulf of Mexico greatly depends on this form of serious inquiry, as does its successful and prompt remediation. The Concerned Citizens of the Gulf Coast will settle for nothing less.
Tom Termotto, National Coordinator PS There has been a very specious argument appearing on the internet that explains away the many leaks and seeps which have developed all over the surrounding area of the blown out well as being natural. These new leaks and seeps, cracks and crevices, craters and chasms are NOT natural. They are newly evolving changes in the seafloor due to the profound transformation of the sub-seafloor geological strata brought about by the entire BP Gulf Oil Spill saga.
While we do concede that leaks and seeps do naturally occur from time to time in the oceans of the world, there has been a dramatic and precipitous uptick of this phenomenon in the wake of undersea oil and gas operations/activites. In fact, the natural seeps that do exist have been greatly exacerbated by these activities, and the countless new leaks and seeps emerging worldwide have been directly caused by the extremely intrusive technology and invasive machinery utilized in the process of oil and gas exploration and drilling. Letter from BK Lim to Congressmen Fred Upton and John Simkus regarding the BP Gulf Oil Spill: