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Mary Clark - 09/10/2006 The Lord showed me a newspaper and I was scanning it for a story. Then I heard Him say "breaking story". Here is His breaking story:
I am the Lord God Almighty. I know the news before it happens. I know exactly the slant that is going to be given to the news before the newscaster speaks. I know. I see all. And I want you, beloved, to rest in the knowledge that nothing EVER escapes the view of your God. Nothing EVER catches Me by surprise. Rest in this knowledge. Rest in the knowledge that I know the "breaking story" before it is ever broken to you. I know it inside and out. I know it before the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted. That is My breaking news, beloved. That is what I want to tell you. Consider yourself told. Consider yourself notified of this most unusual news, and know deep within that your God is doing you another favor - another kind favor is coming your way. Get poised for action, beloved. Again I say, get poised for action on My part - on My behalf, for you are now entering the twelfth our -the twelfth hour when the Lord God Almighty shines forth His glory, exposes something that has been hidden, and enables the whole world to peer into this interesting breaking news -this news that will light the way into action on My part -action that will benefit My cause and stir hearts in a most pronounced fashion. A fashion that the world has never seen -never realized - is coming the way of My church. Get ready, beloved, for I am taking you into a new dimension of hope - a brand new dimension of My favor and hope everlasting!!!