UBM Radio
Unleavened Bread Bible Study
Outreach Teleconference
Hidden Manna For the End Times
UBM Ministries: Other Resources:
Bob Neumann - 09/18/2098
I was standing in that place of relativity that Isaiah called the Valley of Vision. When I was aware of this fact, I saw a figure who was waiting for me, so to speak. As before, HE was dressed in traveling attire, a heavy full cloak with a hood. Unlike the times I have seen my MASTER, the LORD OF HOSTS dressed this way, I too seemed to be wearing the same hooded cloak. As I came to HIM HE nodded HIS HEAD and turned and walked with me just at and behind HIS left shoulder. We walked quickly and with both purpose and intent till we seemed to enter a much wider and open area. When HE stopped, HE made a half turn toward me and calmly stated: "YOU MUST KNOW WHAT IS ABOUT TO TAKE PLACE". HE turned HIS HEAD and looked out into the center of this space and there stood this large Texas Longhorn type 'bull'. Exactly what you would see at University of Texas football games or on commercials for the stock market. Its horns were wide and came to quite impressive points. It stood still in the center of a circle of light as a 'spot light' would cause. "THIS IS THE TRUE GOD OF AMERICA" stated my MASTER. Slowly the 'bull' began to move and the spotlight moved with 'him', wherever the 'bull' moved the spotlight moved with 'him'. Every now and then it seemed to move suddenly and strike a pose. (The dollar at its peak, the Bull market; prosperity is the God of America.) "AND THAT IS HOW IT HAS BEEN", stated the LORD, "BUT THIS IS HOW IT NOW IS"... . As the 'bull' stood still the light began to move away from 'him' the 'bull' would move to get back into the light. Each time the light moved farther and the 'bull' had to move farther and faster to stay in the light. Now it seemed the 'bull' was chasing the light and never really catching it. Lost interest in the dollar.) By this time I had a good idea that we were standing inside an arena like area and there were "figures" on the edges of the area but I couldn't distinguish anything besides shadow-figures. (Satanic powers that own the oil, money, news media, politicians, etc.) "NOW YOU MUST SEE WHAT HAS HAPPENED AND WHAT WILL QUICKLY COME TO PASS"... The 'bull' stood again in the center of the arena and the light was on 'him'. For the first time I noticed a large figure standing across from where we stood, staring at the 'bull'. In size and shape he was identical to MY CAPTAIN but a "shadow-figure" and I knew it was the 'BEAST'. As I turned to THE LORD with questions running through my mind/spirit HE lifted HIS RIGHT HAND and everything froze, time/space/eternity, everything stopped dead so to speak. With a casual move HE brushed back HIS HOOD and I once again looked into the FACE of my KING. With a half smile and a slight turn of HIS HEAD HE slapped me on the shoulder and explained. "ONCE MY PEOPLE BUILT AN IMAGE OF A CALF OF GOLD TO WORSHIP. AMERICA HAS ALLOWED THAT CALF TO GROW UP AND REPRESENT ALL THAT IT WORSHIPS". Suddenly I felt something in my right hand and I looked and saw some coins. "WHOSE IMAGE DO YOU SEE?", HE asked. As I looked into my hand and saw a nickel, a quarter, and a coin that looked like gold and a coin that looked like silver. All I could think was "it isn't you LORD". "THEN WHAT DOES IT SAY?" HE asked gently. I replied "IN GOD WE TRUST". As HE turned toward the "bull" in the light HE explained. "MAN CAN NOT SERVE TWO MASTERS. YOUR PEOPLE CHOSE TO SERVE MAMMON AND NOT ME. THE RELIGIOUS IMAGES IN YOUR HAND DECLARE TO THE WORLD THEIR TRUST IS IN THEIR GOD. HAVE YOU NOTICED THEIR GOD?" with that we turned and walked to the 'bull'. And 'he' began again to move. It seemed to notice our approach and ignored us. I looked and was wondering what I was supposed to be looking for. For some reason I began to stare at it's nose and couldn't figure it out. "THIS IS AN ANIMAL THAT HAS NOT BEEN TAMED. IT RUNS WHERE IT CHOOSES AND CAN NOT BE CONTROLLED". With that I had an image of a nose ring, where you would lead a 'bull'. "THEIR GOD IS NOT CONTROLLED AS THEY WOULD LIKE IT TO BE. SO THEY WILL CHANGE IT SOON. BUT HAVE YOU NOTICED ANYTHING WRONG WITH THEIR BULL?" (Common currency, card, mark.) (Capitalism, the free market, will soon be changed to something they can control, socialism.) Now I really had to wonder and I began to walk around it when it responded to nature and released a couple gallons of urine and a very large 'patty'. The animal had no concern where it hit when it splattered. And it stood in a good scattering of similar stuff. But with the 'deposit' I got a good look at the posterior and realized it really wasn't a bull after all. Just a 'steer'. "THE LIE GOES FAR BEYOND WHO THEIR GOD IS. BUT EVEN THEN THEIR IDOL CAN NOT EVEN DO WHAT THEY SEEK THE MOST, REPRODUCE ITSELF. (America's prosperity was grace all the time, which has run out.) THAT IS THE LIE THAT WILL BRING THE DESTRUCTION OF YOUR COUNTRY. YOU TOLD THE NATIONS AND PRINCES OF THIS WORLD IF THEY DRANK FROM YOUR CUP AND WORSHIPPED YOUR IDOL IT WOULD REPRODUCE ITSELF. BUT YOUR LEADERS KNEW THAT IT COULD NOT AND TOOK ALL THE WEALTH IT COULD FROM THOSE WHO BELIEVED THEIR LIES, DREAMS, AND VISIONS. NOW THEY WILL STRIKE AT YOU THROUGH YOUR GOD". (The nations of this world will 'attack' us through the free markets, capitalism.) With that statement HE turned away and returned to our place of observation. And as it seemed appropriate I dropped the coins in the fresh patty near my feet and took my place at his side. (The ideals and principles of the god of this nation are worthless.) As easily as time stopped it began again. The 'beast' came closer to the steer. The steer shied away. It did not challenge and paw the ground like you see in bullfights, another confirmation that it was not a 'bull'. Suddenly the spotlight disappeared and the 'arena' was now seen. The shadow figures filled the arena's seats, all sizes and shapes. As I stood watching the sense of anticipation and imminence grew. All of a sudden a roar of trumpets blared a long 'musical' fanfare and as it ended the 'bull' was 'struck' and reeled backward and as the 'cheers' of the 'crowd' arose it steadied it's feet and shook it's head to 'clear the cobwebs' (Strike #1). We waited again. And without warning the 'trumpet fanfare' began. It was louder and lasted longer, as it ended the 'bull jerked to its side and again the cheer rang up. Now four long deep gashes appeared on each flank and blood began to flow (#2). Now the wait was shorter and I began to count. Again the third fanfare and cheers were louder and longer as again the 'bull' was struck backward and nearly fell off its feet. (#3 of 10 judgments - From the interpretation the Lord gave to Bob below this has to be 9/11. After the 3rd of 10 judgments upon Egypt, God separated Goshen from the plagues. I believe this will be the time God's angels will gather his people to many refuges.) The fourth assault left laceration across all four legs. (#4 in Egypt was the plague of flies. Beelzebub, Satan, is the lord of the flies or demons.) The fifth assault pushed its head down and as it fell to its knees its whole body began to tremor and shake. As it came to its feet again blood flowed from its nostrils and pink foaming from the mouth and I thought 'mad cow disease'. (#5 in Egypt was also a plague on cattle, which was a pestilence.) The sixth assault came with no waiting period and this time it was struck backward with such force it was knocked off its feet and slid backward in its excrement. (#6) This time the 'bull' struggled to get up and it was obvious a rear leg was broken. As the seventh fanfare began shadows charged out into the arena and took hold of the 'bull' and turned it on its back and held it down. I noticed the beast come forward with a short slim sword in its hand. And as the fanfare ended he slashed the 'bull's' neck and as the cheers went up small black critters in unbelievable numbers ran out to drink the blood. As the cheer ended the eighth fanfare began and the beast slashed the belly of the bull from top to bottom. As the disembowelment occurred the cheers began and many large critters began to feed on the entrails. The ninth fanfare and cheer came as the head was severed from the carcass as the carcass was drawn and quartered. And immediately a short tenth fanfare and cheer came as the critters ran off in four different directions each with a chunk of meat. At this point I noticed the eyes just now glaze over as the bull/steer/America finally dies after all this brutal treatment; awake and aware of all that took place. As the scene completely vanished we turned around and this time slowly retraced our steps. As we walked THE LORD explained what I had witnessed. "SEVEN BLOWS WILL BE GIVEN BUT TEN JUDGMENTS ARE RESERVED FOR EGYPT. SEVEN BLOWS WILL BRING DOWN THE IDOL OF AMERICA. THE FIRST TWO HAVE STUCK AND YOUR COUNTRY BLEEDS. (First, let me start by saying that the market has always had bouts of volatility some worse that what I am about to describe; however, what makes these events different are the nature of why the market reacted in the way it did. The following reasons for the market volatility are global in nature whereas prior market ups and downs were primarily related to domestic concerns.) THE FIRST WAS A BLOW THAT DROVE YOUR GOD BACKWARD, BUT IT CAME BACK A BIT. (#1 BLOW- Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, and the subsequent Persian Gulf War, effectively slowed the markets resulting in a near bear market (with a drop in the markets of 19.3%) during the period from July to October 1990. The markets came right back.) THE SECOND BLOW CUT DEEPLY INTO ITS LOINS AND WEAKENED ITS STRONGEST POINTS. (#2 BLOW - The Global Financial Crisis of 1998. From July to September of 1998 the S&P 500 lost 20% of its value. These events began to unfold midsummer of 1997 with the South Asian currency markets collapsing. Then almost one year later news that Russia along with some Latin American and Asian countries were not going to repay their debts caused a Global Financial Crisis resulting in the collapse of Long Term Capital Management, a prominent U.S. Hedge fund. They owed Billions of dollars to investor's and their collapse threatened the solvency of U.S. banks. A bailout from the FEDS ensued which prevented a financial catastrophe. In retrospect, that bailout, with its desirable result, led to the bailouts we are now experiencing. They have weakened our strongest points by allowing the government through the FED to intervene in the private market - this is the beginning of the government trying to control the free market.) THE THIRD BLOW WILL COME SHORTLY AND WILL STRIKE IT BACKWARD AND IT WILL NOT RECOVER ITS LOST GROUND. (#3 - that was shortly to come in 9/18/98 was 9/11 and its after-effects. It is here between the 3rd and 4th plague that God separated His people in Goshen from the plagues. All who trust in Psalm 91 will be protected.) (# 3 BLOW - Corporate Malfeasance - The fall of Enron in 2001 and WorldCom in 2002, along with a host of other companies, was the excuse the U.S. Government need to begin putting the ring in the 'bull's' nose. With the fallout of corporate accounting mismanagement the government decided more 'oversight' was needed and the markets have never really recovered. *Yes, the DJI did rise to 14,000 in early 2008 but this was an illusion created by government manipulation of the housing market along with credit bubble which resulted in the FOURTH BLOW.*) THE FOURTH BLOW WILL NOW DESTROY ITS ABILITY TO MOVE AND EVADE (#4 - This could also be the bailouts, QEs forever, trillions in debt. We have painted ourselves into a corner. There is nothing that can be done to evade economic destruction.) THE NEXT BLOW WHICH WILL BE A PESTILENCE FROM A FOE YOU DID NOT EXPECT. THAT IS THE FIFTH AND DECIDING BLOW. (#5 - in Egypt was also a plague on cattle, which was a pestilence. Will this bring Mad Cow Disease which came to Bob's mind in the fifth assault above with blood from the nose and mouth or does it represent a pestilence to the humans with those symptoms, as Ebola is, as Andrew Winfield pointed out? Cows could represent those who are partakers of the Bull economy. The unexpected source will likely be the powers that be using our own Communist government, a judgment from God on an increasingly reprobate America.)
THE SIXTH BLOW WILL CRIPPLE YOUR IDOL AND DELIVER IT TO THE BEAST FOR DEVOURING. (The last blow brought an end to democracy in America. Communism will destroy America as a superpower, just as it has others in history.) (This blow is yet to come. In the vision the 'bull's' rear leg is broken. Even now we can hear the calls from the shadows yell out the taunts of capitalism being on its last leg. "In his book, The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, Michael Novak explains how a nation with a democratic capitalist system is like a three-legged stool. One of its legs represents economic freedom - a rational exchange of value between buyer and seller by mutual consent and to mutual advantage at prices determined by the market. This is the genius of self-interest and how it works to the benefit of all. The second leg of the stool represents political liberty which includes the freedom to move freely throughout one's country, to work wherever one wants, the rule of law, property rights, electoral democracy through the ballot box, and the peaceful resolution of conflict. The third leg is the moral-cultural order without which the other two legs cannot stand. Novak quotes the 18th century French philosopher Montesquieu, who quipped that the English excel in three things: piety, commerce, and liberty. This is, in fact, the essence of democratic capitalism, and one need only look at Britain's former colonies to see how British values and institutions have endured. Novak writes unequivocally: "The moral-cultural system is the chief dynamic force behind the rise both of a democratic political system and of a liberal economic system. Neglect of it bodes ill".* As you can see the first leg is economic freedom; this leg is being taken away in front of our eyes. The second leg is political liberty; when our liberties are taken away and the average man senses that an injustice has occurred against him civil unrest will be the result as we can see happening right now in the U.K.
Update - 2/13/11: I believe that the sixth blow will come as the revolutions in Egypt and elsewhere become fully mature, extremist will take control and shut down the flow of oil to America. This will be the end of a rational exchange between the US and the oil countries and will "...CRIPPLE YOUR IDOL AND DELIVER IT TO THE BEAST FOR DEVOURING". When this occurs the US will be delivered via the IMF doing what it has been threatening to do by replacing the USD as the world's reserve currency with SDRs, which will be blow seven...the death blow. THE SEVENTH BLOW IS THE DEATH BLOW. (The Beast in the form of the United Nations with Russia and China in the lead will make a first strike on the U.S. at the end of the tribulation.) YET THE EIGHTH, NINTH, AND TENTH THAT WILL STRIP, DIVIDE, AND DEVOUR WILL BE THE NOURISHMENT NEEDED TO EMPOWER THE BEAST FOR THE SHORT TIME HE HAS LEFT". (America will be divided up by the nations who war against her. This will furnish them to fight the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord battles for one year - Isaiah 34:8) {Jas.5:1 NENT} {1} Come now, the rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming on. {2} Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. {3} Your gold and your silver is rusted; and their rust shall be for a testimony against you, and shall eat your flesh as fire. Ye have laid up treasure in the last days. {4} Lo, the hire of the laborers who mowed your lands, which is of you kept back, crieth out: and the cries of them that reaped have entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. {5} Ye have lived delicately on the earth and taken pleasure; ye have nourished your; hearts in a day of slaughter. At this point we stopped and HE faced me and once again placed the HOOD over HIS HEAD. "THAT IS WHY I SENT YOU TO GOSHEN FOR I HAVE A REMNANT EVEN IN EGYPT. IN THE HEART OF BABYLON I CALLED TO THEM AND THOSE WHO KNOW MY VOICE HEARD AND CAME OUT. BUT IN EGYPT THEY ARE IN BONDAGE AND I SEND MY SERVANTS TO THEM TILL THE INDIGNATION IS PASSED AND THE PLAGUES HAVE FALLEN UPON THOSE WHO HAVE HARDENED THEIR HEARTS". (Those in the refuges when the tribulation starts will be trained by the Man-child company and from here the Two Witness companies will go forth to minister to the cities under Martial Law and Quarantine. I believe this will begin before the fourth strike, another 9/11-type strike.) (Just as in Goshen, our Father will cause there to be a distinction between those who are his and those who resist him and harden their hearts toward him.) "IT'S GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT", He laughed as he gripped my shoulder. "YOU KNOW WHAT WILL NEED TO BE DONE AND YOU WILL DO IT. THERE ARE MANY WHO WILL FIND SAFETY IN THE MIDST OF THE STORM AND THE DARKEST OF THE NIGHT. GUARD MY SHEEP OLD DOG A LITTLE WHILE LONGER". And it ended.