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Suani Guzman - 04/07/2010 Dear family-in-Christ, I have been going through a big trial that has been rather easy to bear, which sounds contradicting. God has given me the grace to triumph in it, so I praise, extol and exalt my King. He is forever awesome and faithful and merciful and true. I pass this along because I want to give a testimony of what God can do; maybe it will bless you, too. I was wondering why I had to keep going through the same thing over and over. The blows of the sculptor upon the rock are not very pleasant if you are that rock. So there is work to be done in me. The Lord started to show me that when faith started to fail me through this trial, it was the old man and he can't have faith. The Lord was drawing my attention to my inner attitudes. I discovered that whenever I had any sassiness, pride or anger (works of the flesh) about the matter, I would start to lose faith. So back to Jesus I went asking for forgiveness and grace. Faith would return and I was back to walking on the clouds and sitting with Christ in heavenly places. I have been meditating on the fruits of the Spirit. The Lord started to make me aware of my inner attitudes by asking myself, what fruit is this? Flesh or Spirit? When it's flesh I just had to repent and renounce. God keeps reminding me these days that He opposes the proud but gives grace to the HUMBLE. Satan tried to get me to lose faith when I had walked in the flesh (failed) but God reminded me that His Word is immovable and, if I fail, that does not nullify His Word. If I went by what I did or did not do, then I was trusting in my righteousness and not His. God uses failure in our life to bring humility. If I get hung up on failure, it only shows that I have been trusting that I could have done better, which is just PRIDE. ALL VICTORY IS IN JESUS. WE ONLY HAVE TO LOOK UP AND KEEP LOOKING UP. He gives grace to the humble. Thank you, Father, for Jesus. Thank You for grace to walk on the clouds, far above all the giants in this land. I am learning to walk by faith and not by sight. Things down here will get very, very ugly and, if we walk by sight, we will faint. And, believe me, the things I've been up against in this trial have seemed huge. Sometimes all seemed lost and my son would say, "Mom, it's all over", like it was a mountain impossible to climb. I was at peace, knowing that God is never late and that whoever comes against the Rock of the Word will be broken. I feel compassion for all those opposing God because they will be broken. Then I would see God deliver us and then it seems so small. I can also testify to the grace of God about the Sabbath Rest. I have not lost sleep over this. And the less I do to deliver myself, the more I see His power when I'm walking by faith. God gave me an image of me being small like David and the other people and problems being Goliath. Then God showed me His power and love for His little flock. WOW! So this trial will be over when God is done with this lesson or chapter in my life and this is the verse he gave me: (2Co.10:6) and being in readiness to avenge all disobedience, when your obedience shall be made full. I will say, though, that I have seen a lot of miracles lately, while walking by faith by the grace of God. God has moved in the people around me in miraculous ways, controlling their thoughts and actions, in direct response to my prayers. I have been standing on the Word of God and the fact that it's His and not my Word and Will gives me great confidence and faith. Overall, I have had many more victories than failures. I recognize the grace of God in the victories. So the refining process is working. I just can't say enough to praise and exalt my God and King. Halleluyah!!! May this bless you all.