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Eve Brast - 10/18/2013 I was praying and interceding for David the other evening that Father give him strength and endurance and deliverance from all his enemies and asking Father how he was doing and to show me how he was, because his well-being was heavy on my heart. So that night He gave me a short dream answering my questions. I dreamed that I was standing in the central sterilization supplies area of a hospital where all the surgical instruments are cleaned and sterilized for surgeries. (The instruments God uses to cut the spiritual disease from His people must be sanctified themselves before they can be used on them. "To Him that overcometh will I give authority". The spiritual infectious germs must be dead and gone from these people because you cannot give what you don't have.) One of my old co-workers, who was a black woman named Barbara, meaning "foreign or strange", who worked in our sterilization supply area, brought David up to me. (The foreign or strange woman who walks in darkness is the one who sanctifies the righteous through crucifixion of the old man. {Pro.7:5} That they may keep thee from the strange woman, From the foreigner that flattereth with her words. This woman is called the Harlot in verse 10. "She is clamorous and willful" in verse 11. {2:16} To deliver thee from the strange woman, Even from the foreigner that flattereth with her words; {17} That forsaketh the friend of her youth, And forgetteth the covenant of her God.... Looks like the Davids are about to be delivered from the Harlot's hands.) The two of them had their right and left arms interlocked at the elbow, the way you do when you are escorting someone down an isle. (When the Harlot is through with their ministry in crucifying the Davids, he will be given to the Bride, represented by Eve, the Bride of the last Adam, to lead her as a vessel of the Lord's presence.) David had a big smile on his face and I thought in the dream, "His cheeks are ruddy". ("Ruddy" is a term spoken of David.) They were red and David had a glow about his countenance. (The glow represents the glory manifested in them.) She smiled at me and then looked up at David and then back at me and said in a comforting way, "Look, here he is. Our Man-child is doing well. He is just fine". (God uses everything as good to mature His David Man-child ministry.) And then I woke up.