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11/15/2010 The CDC and ADA now advise to avoid using fluoride. We crazy conspiracy nuts have only been stating scientific fact for years: fluoride is a deadly poison. Look at your tube of toothpaste; it reads something like, "If you swallow more than a pea-sized amount of this product, call poison control immediately". Also, as the article points out, why is it that if fluoride only works topically that it's added to the water supply? (By the way, most countries do not add it to their water.) Read this whole article, comments and all.
Research shows fluoride is IQ-killer for children Adding fluoride to city water systems, hailed by the Centers for Disease Control as "one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century", actually becomes an IQ-killer for children, according to a new report. A Chinese study has been reported by the Fluoride Action Network that found a startling difference between children in two cities with significantly different levels of fluoride in their water systems. The study involved 512 children between 8 to 13 years old in two Chinese villages that were about 50 miles apart. Wamaio had 2.47 milligrams per liter of fluoride and the village of Xinhuai had 0.36 milligrams per liter of fluoride. The test showed the city with the higher fluoride had children with IQ scores 5-10 points lower. The reports said the study rated 28 percent of the children in the low-fluoride town of Xinhuai as "bright, normal or higher intelligence", while only 8 percent in the high-fluoride Wamaio were in that category. Further, it said 15 percent of the children in the high-fluoride city had scores indicating mental handicaps, while only 6 percent had the same results in the low-fluoride city. St. Lawrence University Chemistry Professor and environmental activist Paul Connett says the two towns studied were remarkably similar in demographics and infrastructure. And he said the Chinese study is only the latest in a long list of studies that have produced alarmingly similar results. "This is the 24th study which has found a relationship between fluoride exposure and lowered IQ. They come from China, India, Iran and Mexico", Connett stated. But he says this study is different from the others. "The difference with this study which makes it more important is that not only do they find a relationship between fluoride in the water, but they brought it closer to individual exposure", Connett explained. "They showed a relationship between lowered IQ and the fluoride levels in the blood", Connett further explained. "When you adjust and look at the fluoride levels in the serum, in the blood, then you are closer to individual exposure which strengthens this study", Connett added. University of Ulster microbiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Vyvyan Howard says that fluoride is harmful for several reasons. "It could be a direct toxic effect or secondly and I think it's more likely personally that it may be an indirect effect. It reduces the level of thyroxin, which is thyroid hormone in the body. Thyroid hormone is absolutely essential for the normal development of the brain", Howard said. "If you have no thyroid hormone you get a condition called cretinism, which leads to the brain failing to develop normally. What they found is that for women who are in the normal thyroid range, you can detect small changes in the IQ's of children of mothers who were in the top end of that normal range", Howard explained. Howard says the relationship between fluoride and the thyroid has been used to control thyroid imbalances. "Physicians knew decades ago that you could prescribe fluoride to control overactive thyroid typically in young women. It was a treatment for reducing thyroid activity", Howard explained further. The St. Lawrence University professor says there are other factors such as how much of the public water supply children and adults drink that must be considered. Connett says the Chinese study in question included these variables, but also considered the possibility that the study's subjects may have gotten fluoride from other sources. He also takes aim at the United States government for not accepting the validity of the studies. "These studies have been coming out over the last 15 years or so, and yet they haven't bothered to reproduce them in the United States or in any other fluoridating country. There's one small IQ study in New Zealand (that has been reprinted in the U.S.) and that's it", Connett observed. The SLU professor says the United States government opts to question the authority of the study and its researchers. "So, they feel it is enough each time these studies are published to criticize the methodology. It's always easy to criticize epidemiological studies. It's very difficult to control for everything. So that's what they do - criticize the methodology", Connett asserted. "If they were responsible what they would do is to demonstrate how superb American science is do a study with exquisite epidemiology and show there is not a problem. But they don't do that", Connett contended. According to the CDC website, "community water fluoridation has been a safe and healthy way to effectively prevent tooth decay." "Water fluoridation has undergone extensive scientific review to assess its public health benefits and risks", states the CDC. "For many years, panels of experts from different health and scientific fields have provided strong evidence that water fluoridation is safe and effective." Howard allows that while fluoride can be toxic, other studies show that there is an example of how human bodies have shown the capacity to protect themselves from high fluoride levels.
Also read Faith in Balance.