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Michele Pivano I recently moved from NY to AZ and for the first time a few weeks ago I watched David give a testimony on access TV in Tucson. He spoke of many different healings and the Lord used his testimony to strengthen my own faith to receive my first healing. I am 29 years old and have been a Christian for 3 years now. I always believed healings were for other people because I never was able to receive one. Well, the way Pastor David so humbly gave his testimony and explained how you cannot doubt because you don't see it right away encouraged me to try again. I get constant eczema as an allergic reaction to the sun and since I moved to a hot climate the sun was not my friend. I developed a case of eczema only medication has been able to control but each time I go into the sun it comes back; a quick fix but only a band-aid, not a cure. So I believed God and put down the medicine and commanded the eczema to be gone in the name of Jesus and each day I would rebuke it and claim my healing. Well, within a few days the eczema started drying up and is now completely inactive. Praise God! I am now claiming many other things and I am believing without doubting. I am hanging onto the Word of God strongly by Gods wonderful grace, mercy and strength. Also, Pastor David's words have encouraged me that we are not healed because we see it - we are healed because God said we are!" I just wanted to thank your ministry for being obedient to God and to let you know how God has used you in a big way in my life and I am sure in many, many others' lives also! Just to make you smile I taped the show and watch it for encouragement and as a simple reminder of how God's love is in His diligent followers!!!