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Lori Tucker - 10/16/2010 Just wanted to share a testimony that happened this past week. I was reminded one morning that we had spent quite a bit of money on vet bills from an eye injury that one of our cats had received. I was telling the Lord that morning "Lord, I don't want to have to pay another vet bill. I don't even go to the doctor for myself!" How soon was that statement tested! That night my husband glanced over by the living room wall to see another one of our cats laying there just not looking right. He went to pet the cat and when he stroked down his back to his hind quarter, the cat growled. My husband said, "He's hurt". He picked the cat up as gently as he could and placed it on the couch. The cat couldn't move its back end and wasn't really moving at all. My husband felt the cat and said, "Something doesn't feel right down there. I wonder if a car might have clipped him?" We looked him over for a minute and I said, "Ok, I believe we should anoint this cat and pray for him". My husband agreed and put some anointing oil on his hand and we laid hands on the cat. One of our sons was present and we asked him to lay hands on him, too. We anointed the cat with oil and prayed in the spirit and with the understanding. After we stopped, we watched for a few minutes. The cat then lifted himself up a little to lick himself. A few moments later, he was jumping off the couch! By the next morning, that cat was running around the yard like nothing had happened to him, praise the LORD!!! I am so thankful to the Father because this not only built my husband's and my faith, but our son's, as well! Thank you, Jesus, for even healing pets!