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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Garrett Crawford - 07/15/2008 I had a dream about us (David and me). Details are lacking but I recall us being in a field or a park the size of a football field that was in the midst of a city. (Jesus said "the field is the world". This city represents being in the midst of worldly Babylon. The football field represents the battle between the right and left end of the field in the U.S. The goal of football is to drive your enemy off the field as you take their goal.) There were quite a few of us in this area, but for whatever reason I do not know. I remember walking through this grassy area and realizing that the people with us were probably part of UBM, but a lot of them I have never seen before. (Speaking of the broader world UBM fellowship.) Then I found myself on a high mountain or cliff overlooking the field, and I saw David and the others in the field. (A perspective on the world from the kingdom of God.) As I watched this, I saw many hostile soldier-type men in red uniforms, parachuting down in the field to try to detain UBM people. (The apostate enemy troops in our midst who make war with their brethren, like Judas, walk in sin, which is represented as red. {Isa.1:18} ...though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. "Edom" means "red" and was the name given to Esau when he sold his birthright as a son of Abraham. Since all who walk by faith are sons of Abraham, this means selling their birthright to salvation and its benefits. {Gen.25:30} And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red [pottage]. For I am faint. Therefore was his name called Edom (red). {31} And Jacob said, Sell me first thy birthright. {34} so Esau despised his birthright (as a son of Abraham and Isaac). The spiritual seed of Esau are Edomites who walk in the steps of their father and have sold their birthright as Christians by walking after the flesh and persecuting their brother, Jacob/Israel, the chosen as spoken in Ezekiel 35 and Obadiah. Jacob and Esau were both sons of Abraham but Esau received a root of bitterness that also defiled his seed. Part of Christianity walks in his steps today, persecuting their brethren. {Heb.12:14} Follow after peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no man shall see the Lord: {15} looking carefully lest [there be] any man that falleth short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble [you], and thereby the many be defiled; {16} lest [there be] any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one mess of meat (flesh) sold his own birthright. "Christians" are selling their birthrights through bitterness. These unforgiving people are unforgiven, as Jesus said. They "parachute down" because they are fallen from heavenly places in Christ to be earthly. We were attacked by many Edomites not long after this dream. These failed Christians are enemies of the cross and are members of the beast army, by nature.) I said to myself, "This doesn't look good for David and the others". (For some reason, I was not worried about myself.) That is when I saw you and the people fleeing out of the area, but these soldiers tried to detain who they could stop. (The Edomites seek to hinder the people who are leaving for their wilderness refuge by capturing them through railing and slander to infect them with their own root of bitterness. With this they cannot escape to their refuge for unforgiveness brings them under the beast judgment. In Obadiah 1:14, the Edomites stopped Israel from escaping the beast: And stand thou not in the crossway, to cut off those of his that escape; and deliver not up those of his that remain in the day of distress. God's judgment on spiritual Edomites who try to stop God's people from escaping -- Ezekiel 35; Obadiah 8-21)
![]() Then, I was running through the field as well, and they tried to detain me, too. I thought for sure that David and the others were captured, but as I ran out of the field and to the right I found myself running to a safe house, which in fact was David's house. (Our spiritual safe house that we must abide in is God's house, Jesus Christ, the Word of God, the house of David. Secondarily, God is providing physical safe house refuges for those who are "counted worthy to escape all these things".) I was the last one in. David and the others had somehow managed to all get in safe and sound, which was a surprise to me; I thought David had been captured. As I walked up to the house I saw David's wife open the door for me and let me in. I know she was approximately his age but she appeared to me as a woman in her late 20s to mid 30s. (My spiritual wife -- those who receive the seed of the Word I sew and bear the fruit of Christ.) She had very long hair (submission to authority - 1 Corinthians 11) and wore old-style glasses and almost looked like she was living in the '70s. (Seeing and living the faith as it was once delivered unto the saints.) Anyway, we were all in the house, safe and sound. End of dream.
The most important aspect of this is that the Bride will escape these Judases and the beast army by going into the wilderness, just as Jerusalem (the Bride) escaped the Assyrian beast in 2 Kings 19:31-35. In Revelation 21:9,10, Jerusalem, or Zion, is the Bride. The beast captured the rest of Israel and Judah. Years ago, a sister in our assembly had a dream that she and others were fleeing from people in red uniforms into the safety of a tower. We knew that this was Zion, (Mic.4:8) the tower of the flock, which also represents {Pr.18:10} The name [Hebrew meaning, "nature, character
and authority"] of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
Update - 12/06/10: Garrett has sought the Lord on this and believes this more physical aspect of this is coming closer to or at the beginning of the tribulation. As with scripture, there is more than one fulfillment of many prophecies. There are also physical and spiritual fulfillments of them.
Recommended listening: Don't Sell Your Birthright