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Jon Knowles - 10/20/2007 In a dream, David Eells and I were working on his house and as we did, I began to discover dead, decayed bodies embedded in the floor boards and such. They were old and dry -- skeletal. He didn't seem surprised or concerned. We were pulling something like old cardboard off of the bodies and he was pointing them out to me. For some reason, I actually pulled some of this cardboard off with my teeth and the dust of the dead bodies went into my mouth and I started to spit it out. We went outside into the yard and as I was working on a window sill and removing some old weather stripping, David pointed out another dead body that was kind of stuffed into an old discarded couch -- strange. As he showed it to me, a police detective drove up in order to question him about the bodies and in the dream I was beginning to wonder if he was a serial killer! He calmly greeted him and started to answer his questions. End of the dream. Note from David: The foundation of our house is that the old man has to die and be under our feet. Without this there can be no house of God. As the outer man is decaying the inner man is being renewed. We must lose our old life to gain our new life. The true Word should be bringing death to all who make up this house. Yes, I am a serial killer. :o) All who rest in the Lord's promises (as on the couch) are putting their old life to death. We must spit the old man out and not allow him in the words that we say.
Tom Marvin - 10/04/2007 There was a group of us fellowshipping in a room when we were approached by a few people, telling us that we had to come with them and that we were going to be "martyred". We happily complied; everyone was joyful. They led us out of the room to a table, where we each told our names and were given a card with a number on it. We then were led into another room that had tables set up around the outside edges of the room. Above each table was a number, example (2.3, 16, 23...all the way up to 50). My wife, Judi, Chase and I had the number 50, the largest number available. (In the dream, I believe the numbers to represent percentages, but unsure as to what this means.) We all went to our tables within the room, and everyone was happily fellowshipping. The end. Note from David: For many years I have taught what the Lord showed me about this. Jesus taught us that we have to lose our old life to gain our new life. If we lose our self life before the end we will not have to die for we are counted already dead. Unless Christians bear enough fruit of Christ before that time they will have to enter life by losing their physical life. This is the first time I have heard of any percentage put upon this. It appears that unless one reaches above 50% fruit of the 30-, 60-, 100-fold Jesus spoke of, he will have to enter life through physical death. Martyrs should be happy. It is an honor to enter into the presence of the Lord, something only a small percentage of planet Earth does.
Cornelius Bosch - 10/25/2007 (David's notes in red) I dreamt of a baby being carried by an invisible man. (The baby is the fruit of Christ in you, manifested in the spiritual man who is invisible.) With them also walked a normal man of flesh and bone who seemed to know the invisible man. They spoke to each other. (They are part of the same body and communicate constantly.) The baby was very comfortable being carried around by this invisible man. The baby had a small round mirror in his hand and when he looked into the mirror, he could see the face of the man who carried him and they smiled at each other. The spiritual man is coming into the image of Christ as he sees by faith that we no longer live but Christ lives in us. (2Co.3:18) But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit.
At one point there seemed to be a struggle between the man of flesh and bone and the invisible man. (The flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh.) The invisible man had a long axe in his hand and hit the man of flesh in the middle of his chest and he died. (The sword of the spirit, the Word of God, will put to death the carnal man so that only the spiritual man becomes known in our bodies.) He then seemed to just "step over" and become the same as the invisible man and they were joined by a lot of the same invisible people. (When the old man dies there is nothing to be seen in us by this world but the spiritual man who is then in the image of Christ but walks in the body of the carnal man taking his land.) I also had the distinct feeling that all the other invisible people that I saw in the end were Jews, pointing to the "All Israel" in Romans 11. (Yes, the spiritual New Testament Jews are those who are circumcised in heart and the flesh is cut off.)
Those who walk by faith are in this process of Christ coming in the spiritual man through the death of the old self-life.