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Brent Gearhart - 01/30/2011 Greetings, brethren. God bless you all in the name of Jesus. My wife, Jessica, and I would like to share a testimony that we just received last night. My wife's sister, Jaribeth, has been living with her boyfriend, Carlos, without being married for the past about six or seven years. My wife would encourage her to consider getting married to Carlos so that they would be right in the eyes of the Lord. She had spoken to her for several months and last December her sister announced that she was getting married to Carlos. So just last night my wife had spoken to Jari and she was telling my wife how much God has blessed their marriage. Her husband is more gentle with her now, she has received many job offers in the past month, she feels that her husband loves her more now, he desires to be with his wife now and he doesn't go out with others. This was really a blessing to us to hear this, as we have seen their son get sick quite often and now we don't see this. This testimony came right on the heels of brother Reuel's testimony of his co-worker's situation of getting married to his girlfriend. One thing I noticed when I watched my wife talk to her sister was that she just encouraged her to get married and to not just profess Christianity but to be obedient to the scriptures. She didn't condemn her to do so or get upset with her; she did it with the love of Christ. Praise the Lord for His mercy.