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Tom Aitken - 06/23/2009 God fixes leaky skylights Last October, we had our roof replaced. The shingles are black and after 22 years of the South Carolina sun, had become brittle, but they were not leaking. The crew that did the repairs were from Costa Rica and were exceptional, clean and efficient. All flashings were replaced and we were thankful to be able to put architectural shingles on, instead of contractor grade. Several times over the fall and winter, I checked the attic and exposed rooms for leaks, but found none. There is a skylight above our shower; this March I was taking a shower during a pretty strong downpour and when drying off afterward felt a drop hit my head. I looked up to see water dripping from the low side of the skylight at one corner. So I grabbed the metal waste basket and put it under where the water was hitting the floor, went back to getting dressed, all the while listening to every drop hit the bottom of the metal waste basket. The drip was getting worse, until it was almost a constant stream. My first inclination was to call the roofers and have them come back, but it was Saturday and we were scheduled to have rain for the next three days. All at once it occurred to me that Christ's death paid the price for everything, including leaky skylights. So I simply claimed Isaiah 53 over the roof and commanded the leak to stop in Jesus' name. Then I went back to my Saturday chores. Every time I passed by the bathroom, I noticed that the leak was slowing down, even though the rain had picked up. An hour or so later, I said to Donna, "Come up here and look; God has totally fixed that leak". Sure enough, even though it was still raining outside, not one drop was coming from the skylight. Since then we have had almost constant storms here. Several times I have climbed into the attic space that is down slope from the skylight and it is bone dry! Praise God! God repairs alternator Listening to the UBM weekly broadcast from 6/21/09, I felt led to share a similar experience: Donna and I have a pontoon boat on a really nice lake here in SC. Since the winters here are not extreme, most people leave the boats in the water year round; we even get a sunny day in January when it might get into the 50s and we bundle up and go for a ride. This year we were able to get out at least every month. The outboard motor, battery and electrical system all seemed to be running just great. Friday before Memorial Day we went up at lunchtime, packed a picnic and headed for an island to enjoy a beautiful day. As soon as I pulled out of the dock, I noticed that my voltage meter was consistently showing 12 volts. Once out of the no wake zone, I gave it some gas, but still the needle never moved off of 12. We repeated this several times, but nothing changed. So we went on with our day, changed our plans and stayed close to the dock, not wanting to have the boat drain the battery and end up stranded. Our lake is pretty big and even though a paddle is required equipment, it is not easy to move a pontoon boat in open water, especially if there is any wind! Well, we had a fabulous day, but every time we ran the boat I noticed the voltage meter dipping ever so slightly lower. When we docked and were covering the boat, I told Donna we would have to get someone to come up and drop me at the dock and then meet me at the marina to get the boat looked at. I was not looking forward to taking the boat to the mechanic, as it is a big hassle to find someone to follow me up there and everything on a boat is twice as expensive as on a car. Well, we got busy doing other things and I never had a chance to drop the boat. Two weeks passed and Donna s uggested we go to the lake for a boat ride and then I had to confess that I hadn't remembered to get it fixed. But, I said, I could haul our portable generator and battery charger to the boat and if it drained the battery we could always float while it recharged. So we loaded up the generator, gas can and charger into my car. When we got to the lake, I had to haul them 500 feet from the road down a steep hill to the dock. The whole time I was carrying t he generator down, God reminded me about the roof. The Holy Spirit kept prompting me, asking, " If Christ's blood fixes roofs, why not alternators?" We got the boat going and the volt meter was still showing 12, so we headed up the cove. I asked Donna if she believed God could heal alternators. She said, "Of course! " I said, "Then let's put our faith together and pray for the complete restoration of the electrical system". We did and headed up the lake; it was a beautiful day and we went in and out of coves for a long time, but after 90 minutes the volt meter had dropped almost to 11 and was not charging. I looked over at the generator on the floor of the boat and was tempted to stop and charge the battery to keep it from damaging a cell. But instead, the Lord led me to pray over all the connections, wiring and switches in the electrical system. Still nothing was happening and the volt meter was dropping even lower. We were crossing the main part of the lake and traffic was pretty heavy, so I needed to gun the boat between spaces to the other side. When we did, the boat started to sputter and stall. Without thinking, I shouted, "In the name of Jesus, I claim full restoration of the electrical system! " Just as soon as I shouted, the motor smoothed out and accelerated. I looked at the volt meter and watched it climb from 11 to 14 --exactly where it has always been since we got the boat! We both just praised God and thanked Him for His awesome provision and a wonderful day. After we got back to the dock and had buttoned up the boat, I looked at the big hill that I had to carry that gas can and generator up and realized the price of my lack of faith. The only reason I had to lug the generator down and back was because I hadn't trusted the extent of Christ's sacrifice. Lesson learned: When I don't trust God I have to work harder and with no results!