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Elizabeth Baty - 02/05/2008 Last winter, I noticed Rusty walking around, as if lethargic, as I went out to feed. Within about 20 minutes or so, he started to lay down and then roll. He would get up, walk a few more steps, then lay down and roll. He had been sweating profusely. That in itself isn't very good out in the cold. Instantly, I thought of colic. In that moment, I felt an overwhelming urge to pray. I thanked God for another opportunity to exercise my faith and to use the authority He has given me over this situation. I simply asked God to make his insides work properly and to allow whatever was causing any blockage to pass on through. I commanded that he be healed in Jesus' Name. Right before I prayed I sensed this overwhelming faith. I just knew deep down inside that God wanted to heal this horse. I don't think at that time that I had enough faith to believe for something of this magnitude. It was pretty scary for me. I believe God gave me the gift of faith for that moment because I didn't have enough. I've never experienced that kind of faith before that time. After I prayed, I loved on him for a while and just knew he would be fine. I knew it in my heart. As I walked away and mentally said, "He'll be fine", of course the enemy tried putting opposing thoughts in my mind. The thought came to me that everyone will think I'm crazy for not rushing him to the vet. Another thought came that he could die. I got mad and said out loud, "He will live and not die!" I came against those thoughts and took them captive in the Name of Jesus. I said, "It is done and he will be fine", and went inside the house to do a few things before I could come back outside to load up another horse to take to a friend's house. I figured that if it was done and I really believed it, that I could continue doing what I needed to do for the rest of the day. As soon as I came outside I looked at Rusty. He had gotten up and had already gone over to the water trough and was drinking! His fever broke and he had already started to dry off! Now that's God! He was fine after that. I've shared that testimony with many people. This one horseman just shook his head and thought I'd "lost it." Another person figured his system worked itself out. Oh, well. They can believe whatever they want, but I know it was God. I know because of the awesome faith that came over me that was not my own! Praise God!