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Unleavened Bread Bible Study
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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Kaile Hamilton - 09/14/2008 The night before I had this dream, I was making my first plum cake. I watched my mom the last time she made it and it was my turn to make it. To my amazement, God then used that knowledge in this dream: I saw these enormous hands with a large piece of dough in them, which the Spirit then let me know that I was seeing God's hands and that the dough represented each one of us. As the dream continued, I watched God add all the ingredients to the dough. He let me know that each ingredient represented the gifts, talents and abilities that He has equipped each one of us with to be used for His glory. He then showed me that from the beginning He knew which ingredients each one of us needed and if one were to be left out, we would be incomplete. God then revealed to me that this is why it is so important for His saints to use everything that He has given them for His glory and purpose. After all the ingredients were added, God started kneading the dough in order to mold and shape it. As He shaped the piece of dough into a uniform ball of dough, the Spirit showed me that this represented God creating each one of us in His image, in His likeness. He then told me that this process of "kneading" began from the moment that He knit us in our mother's womb and would only be complete when we, the dough, surrendered all that it had to give for the uniform dough to be formed. I felt this represented us denying ourselves, taking up our cross and following the Lord. Then God began to roll the dough out on the baking sheet and began to place all of the plums in their ordained spots and He then took a step back and let it rise. The Spirit revealed to me that the rolled out dough represented the crushing of our old life, the plums represented the fruit from the trials, persecutions and sufferings we would go through as followers of Christ, and when God took a step back to let the dough rise that represented God allowing us to be tested in those trials, persecutions and sufferings so the leaven of the Word could do its work in us. (Note from David: Leaven is a false word in some parables but in some it is the true Word of the Kingdom, as in Mt.13:33: Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal (spirit, soul, and body), till it was all leavened.) As the dough rose, some of the plums fell off, which the Spirit revealed that those fallen plums represented the times that we: do not glorify God with the ingredients He has equipped us with; do not glorify Him with the plums that He brings us through and/or do not allow Him to use the plums to bring us to our cross. After the plums fell off the dough, God pushed His hands down into the cake and placed each one of the plums back where they had been placed in the beginning. The Spirit then revealed to me that this represented us humbling ourselves before God, which then allowed Him to once again use all of the gifts, talents, abilities, trials, persecutions and sufferings to glorify Himself in us. When I woke up I was in awe of what God had shown me and it touched me that He used something, like making a plum cake, that I knew how much love and work went into making. I was speechless! Praise God! I was then reminded of the scripture in Isaiah 64:8 which says, But now, O Lord, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.