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Impeachers Will Be Impeached (1) Impeachers Will Be Impeached (2) Trump Wins and a Capital Building Blows Up Sandy Shaw, 11/8/19 (Don and Merlene transcribed) (David’s notes in red) The way this dream starts I knew it was election night and it was late. I turned the TV on to see the news. Trump had definitely won! They were so surprised...a blue state had turned red! Then all of a sudden, there was breaking news. They showed a capital building blowing up. I don’t know where. (This blowing up is probably spiritual. Other dreams have the capitol falling to an earthquake which is spiritual but could also be physical. Other dreams seem to say that it is one of our own capital buildings and that the DS government is going to be devastated as we are seeing happen spiritually. The liberals are falling all apart and losing all support trying to impeach President Trump. They are destroying themselves in view of all, and are turning on one another, and will lose the election.) There was fire all around. I looked at Jeff and said, “Civil war has physically started and no turning back.” (These criminals have tried even world Nuclear war to cover for their sins and failed and are desperate and have nothing left to do but war against the people and elected government. Watch out for famine, plague, sword and fire; The methods Babylon used to conquer the apostate people of God. But then its their turn as Cyrus, as a type of P. Trump, and his armies brings them down. The Edomites will lose by the Hand of God.) And then I woke up. In random, Eze 31:12-14. finger on 14. 12 And strangers, the terrible of the nations, have cut him off, and have left him: upon the mountains and in all the valleys his branches are fallen, and his boughs are broken by all the watercourses of the land; and all the peoples of the earth are gone down from his shadow, and have left him. (The text speaks of the fall of Pharaoh and his army, which fits the Obama/Hillary administration) 13 Upon his ruin all the birds of the heavens shall dwell, and all the beasts of the field shall be upon his branches; 14 to the end that none of all the trees by the waters exalt themselves in their stature, neither set their top among the thick boughs, nor that their mighty ones stand up on their height, even all that drink water: for they are all delivered unto death, to the nether parts of the earth, in the midst of the children of men, with them that go down to the pit. Capitol Nuked This is a short dream I had a few years ago. I didn't write it down at the time but always remembered some of it. One night, last week before going to sleep I asked the Lord to either give me the dream again or bring it all back to my memory. A few minutes later I remembered how the dream went. Praise the Lord! I saw a big mushroom cloud rise up over the White House (I believe the Lord showed me that the house behind the white house is the deep state attacking the White House, and President Trump. A mushroom cloud represents how severe this spiritual attack is. Back when I had this dream I never imagined that something like this would be happening; the attacks against the President and his supporters etc…) It was a scary sight and people were panicking everywhere. (The darkness on the land represents spiritual darkness and there has been chaos breaking out sporadically but if the deep state were to succeed there could be mass chaos.) I was in Texas looking towards the east coast. (I should note that we recently moved to Texas from Delaware. At the time of this dream I had no idea we would move to Texas....interesting.) Even though I was far away I could see it clearly. I think the reason I was able to see it from where I was is because we all can see in the natural right now the attacks on Trump.) It was like I could see all the states but it was more like looking at a map (hard to explain) I remember there was something about a northern state which I believe was Minnesota because I knew it began with an M. I don't know what it was, the Lord has not shown me more about that. As this was happening I knew chaos was breaking out. I prayed and then asked the Lord "Where did this come from?" Then I was caught up with the Lord and He took me over to the White House, which looked enormous in size (the building looked the same as it actually is, just really big) (The White House was still there, and large in the eyes of the people, and the spiritual explosion did not take it down. This means the White House and President Trump will retain his power with the people while the criminals running the House and parts of the Senate are taken down.) and showed me a smaller white building behind it. I said, "That is where it came from?" (Could this be the mostly underground building built at the intersection of the underground railroad to house the House and Senate in case of an attack? Our friend Brandon was a nurse who was seeing to a patient in his hospital room when a man walked in with a briefcase and opened it to show him a drawing of this building. The man said, these walls were made to fall inward not outward. Then he put the drawing back in his brifecase and was leaving the room. Brandon followed him out but when he got to the hall he looked both ways but the man was gone. There was no way he could have ducked into a room. He was clearly and angel. I believe this is the capitol building which will fall on the lawmakers) Just as I got the words out I knew the answer was yes. Even though this was a horrible thing, I felt peace because I knew the Lord was with me This is a follow up dream was given to Angelica Garza: I had a dream that Nancy Pelosi was attacking me. I think I was asking her is she knows about the Lord, and I realized she was just wasting my time and was planning to attack me. Im not sure but I thought she was going behind this shed type building frame with no walls to change into a swarm of bees. (They are swarming together all the bad actors to come against the Church; Leftists, Satanists, witches, Muslims, Anarchists, Communists, the drug lords, etc. etc..) Then she attacked me and I ran. (As God’s people will do) Don't remember much else. Maybe this is confirmation of an attack from them. (She has been in on all the DS corruption to take down the Church.) Portions of Ken Dewey's prophecies on the fall of the Capitol on DS lawmakers "Washington, DC will dance, then fall. (Update - 11/20/16: I think this speaks of the buildings in an earthquake dancing. However, Pam pointed out that there are inaugural dancing balls from about 1/17-21/2017. This could be a timing. The Left has planned that a million angry protesters show up for the Inauguration on 1/20/17. We have wondered if this is not the time for judgment to fall.) Men will frantically search the rubble, looking for their leaders. This nation will go down to rise different than when it fell. I will stop them short of their plans. I will be in the White House. I will be in the ruins making sure the right men rise. I am definitely going to turn things around. I will shut the mouth of the arrogant and the silence will be golden. - Jesus Christ" (Silence from the railing and slander and chaos fomented by the Left will be golden.) "You must know and be ready because, without Me, you will not stand. I will shake things off their foundations to uncover the wicked plan of the enemy to destroy this land. I will move to stop the present administration and the Democratic Party. They will fall and fall hard in the shaking. Many evil men will die the death -- yes, tragic death -- cutting them short of their goal. You must know and realize that I will strike the very ground they walk on. "Washington DC will be shaken (the buildings and the government leaders) so bad there will have to be an emergency leadership set up and in the setting up of it many changes will result. I will raise up new leaders to walk in a different way. The present administration will cease and many others. (Other nations will also lose their corrupt governments because this is the first of many quakes that will circle the globe.) The Democratic Party will be devastated. I move to make a statement to the people of America. "Catastrophe x3. This has been my warning in the past that you have written. EARTHQUAKES. Look for them on the West Coast and on the East Coast, and the New Madrid will split (Although I have never met Ken, this is exactly as we have taught because of dreams and visions.) There will result major destruction and many will perish". I have heard the Lord speaking about 2016 and saying a lot of things of great importance. ... By the words I have heard about the "change of president", it sounds as if this nation will see its government FALL DOWN so hard that there will be of necessity a whole new order begun to replace the fallen. In the midst of this turmoil, there is going to be a GREAT TIME OF BLESSING FOR THE PEOPLE OF GOD. The blessing He talked to me about was in the form of BUILDING. He said He would call many Noahs to build what He called His ARKS OF SAFETY. The fact is, the Lord has many thousands of his people in this land and He intends to PROTECT THEM FROM THE STORM THAT IS COMING. In this year, we can expect to see the Lord taking from the wicked and giving to his people. (As it was just before Israel went into the wilderness tribulation.) 2016 WILL ACTUALLY BE A TIME OF BUILDING OF HIS BODY, PREPARING THEM FOR THE GREAT JUDGMENT COMING and at the time of the body of Christ building, there will be a great time of the ungodly falling. Repairing the Passover for the East Coast Earthquake to Take Down the Capitol On 4/19/12, Rick Sergent said, "I saw the word EARTHQUAKE in red letters ... I then saw these words: "Great Destruction Will Impede Traveling". ... Then I saw the number 85. I did not know what this number meant. After asking the Lord to explain to me about this 85, I received this revelation from Deborah Horton within two days and 85 is emphasized again. She didn't know about Rick's dream. Here I was restoring I-85 overpass or Passover going to Washington DC where a record earthquake had just happened, as a sign of the great earthquake to come. Here is a portion of it: Deborah: There was a highway work crew repairing the overpass where I-85 goes over Highway 29. (The spiritual road crew represents those reformers who restore the paths to dwell in. {Isa.58:12} And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places; thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.) ("Overpass" is a wordplay on "Passover"; if we want the Lord to pass over our sins, we must forgive everyone. But I was giving place to doubt and bitterness about a particular person when I had this dream. In real life, the place where I-85 passes over Highway 29 was chewed-up by heavy trucks going to and from the smelly, multi-state landfill. The landfill there is as large as a small mountain. Part of it was finally patched. So, we could say that the I-85 overpass/Passover has been kept in disrepair by trucks creating a mountain of garbage, representing the magnitude of stinking thinking and ways of those who give in to factions and their false Jesus and apostate leadership [or evil leadership in DC]. That would explain why below David was repairing the road. {Isa.58:12} ... The restorer of paths to dwell in.) (Deb later told me 85 is meaning 8 = new beginning and 5 = grace. Highway 29 mostly parallels and covers I-85, zigzagging back and forth across the path of I-85.) Comments from Rick's emails: In Deb Horton's dream, David was over a highway work crew, repairing the I-85 overpass. (Passover of Highway 29, which represents the coming East Coast earthquake, meaning God's people must be prepared through faith and good works to escape these quakes.) In the natural, Highway 29 goes to the heart of Washington DC, which speaks of the future quake. USGS says the epicenter of the 8/23/11, 5.8 [85 backwards] quake was five miles S-SW of Mineral, VA which is 84 miles to DC. [probably 85 to the White House]. Number 29 may mean a second quake or judgment. (2 = second [or division by earthquake] and 9 = judgment.) David - 4/21/12: I am convinced of the spiritual revelation of the number 85 as a Passover and that these quakes are coming. But it is interesting that a Passover is being repaired on the I-85 interstate going over Highway 29 and goes 84 or 85 miles from the epicenter of the last quake in VA to D.C. where the same 5.8 quake judged the Washington Monument and the Statue of Liberty. And cracked the White House. Not a chance that is not a sign. Government and liberty will be changed by this. I am convinced that we must be entitled to the Passover of this judgment, which was paid for by Jesus, when it does come. Make sure your heart is right with God and your brethren by abiding in Jesus Christ. Enemies Will Fall in the Capitol Eve Brast - 07/12/2016 I had prayed at the Monday night prayer meeting for a confirmation dream about the things we all had discussed and prayed about concerning this country. (It was a confirmation of just what we said that night.) On Tuesday morning I had this dream: I had a dream within a dream that I was high up at the edge of a balcony inside the capital rotunda in D.C. (A symbol of our government, a joining of the House, Senate and President's Room at the Capitol Rotunda. This balance of powers and Constitution has been usurped by this president (Obama) but it appears not for long, by God's grace. Update: And God’s grace gave us President Trump.) I was sitting in a car. (Which we thought was associated with a future part of our ministry that would fall if the government didn't change.) It also had red leather interior. The car was teetering on the edge of the balcony and there was no railing. I could look up and see the domed ceiling of the rotunda near the roof of the car. I then leaned forward to look down toward the foundation through the front windshield of the car. The whole car then slid forward and began falling toward the floor and foundation of the building. All I could see everywhere was the white curvature of the walls and the floor below. It was like falling downward inside a large white grain silo. (A symbol of our ministry to the people falling if the criminal government stayed in office under Hillary.) As I got closer to hitting the bottom, I could make out all the cracks in the foundation. (The cracks symbolize the instability of the Obama government; it was about to fall. Update: and is still falling.) Then a voice behind me said, "Command it to stop!" (Meaning the car's plunge.) (In the car was Eve, the symbol of the Bride of the last Adam, Jesus, but she and her authority will be saved.) So I pointed to the front of the car and commanded it to stop falling. The car pulled up very swiftly and to the right. (A sign the Obama/Hillary government will fail to bring down our ministry) Then I saw some maroon carpet appear in a room to the right on the ground floor, along with an old cherry wood desk and chair. There were some books and an old lamp that was lit on the desk. (The President's Room.) Then I woke up from the dream inside the dream. I found myself standing back up on the edge of the high balcony with no railing. Behind me was a hallway with several rooms. It was semi-dark because there were important men laying on large cots in these rooms. (Physically, there is nothing that high in the rotunda like this. This is a future spiritual government that is above the physical government.) Robin then walked up to me and asked, "Hey, Eve, anything new? Had any dreams lately?" I began telling her about the dream I had just woken up from when an angel appeared behind us and came and stood behind us. He said, "The Capitol will fall!” (The former DS government will fall). He then went on to quote Amos 9:1 and pronounce judgments: {Amo.9:1} I saw the Lord standing beside the altar: and he said, Smite the capitals, that the thresholds may shake (The thresholds of the Rotunda are to all branches of the DS government. Capitols, plural, of other DS governments are falling too.); and break them in pieces on the head of all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: there shall not one of them flee away, and there shall not one of them escape. The same verse Missy had received. The government buildings will fall by spiritual and/or physical earthquake on those God decides to take out so that a new government will have to be formed. This would mean the martial law conspiracy for them to stay in office would not work. Then the angel disappeared and David came walking up to us. (A type of the Man-child David reformers coming to power.). Then Philip Sapp came up holding his five-year-old son, John. David said, "It's time to wake the others". ("The others" could mean one is already awake, David, and the others will follow. This is the spiritual government for God's people after the worldly one dies. Our dreams have told us that the Man-child body’s head will be born first as in the natural.) John became very excited and clapped his hands and repeated what David had just said. John said to Philip, "I want to do it! I want to help wake them!" (John the Baptist prepares the way for the coming of the Lord in the Man-child government, as in history. He baptized or symbolically resurrected the Man-child Jesus when the anointing came upon him. Philip was among those surrounding John the Baptist when he first pointed out Jesus as the Lamb of God. Both Philip Sapp and Apostle Philip have the same one "L" spelling of their name.) So Philip put John down and they both went into the first of the rooms to wake these men. (At the time of the collapse, the John the Baptist repentance ministry will bring in the Man-child ministry. With the collapse of the evil government in Church and State, the Man-child ministry government will begin.) They were 12 young men in all, about 19 years old and very big and strong, like linebackers on a football team. (Strong in spirit because of the anointing.) I didn't see them all, only the first one that was awakened, but I knew there were 12. (We have many dreams of the coming 12 Man-children from UBM.) I believe they are new leadership being raised up for God's people after things take a dive in this country. (After the fall of the carnal government.) Because they were in that upper area with us. It was a place that couldn't have existed in the natural, being attached like that to the top of that domed Rotunda. (The heads of the new spiritual government for the Church. When Pharaoh and his mighty men fell in the Red Sea tsunami, Moses was there to lead the people into the wilderness. Before this, the people had been under the Egyptian government. Now it was dead.) I had a feeling in the dream that David knew these young men and had been watching over them. Maybe as a type of Jesus. (We were prophesied to be the point of the spear of the Man-child ministry.) John ran up and started to shake the first man who was very big like a football player. The men were all on these large cots covered, even over their heads, with dark blue and green blankets. I woke up after seeing the first man get up. (These men are asleep; even their faces are covered as dead men. This is a resurrection like at John's baptism for the Man-child Jesus. Their heads are covered as a sign of illegal authority over them, as in 1 Corinthians 11: a man should not have his head covered, for his head is Christ. But they are covered because, in effect, their ability to effectively govern has been usurped by Pharaoh's government. They will awaken to the fact that they have been prepared by God to take leadership when Pharaoh and his mighty men die in the Red Sea while chasing God's people. Just like this DS government is dying. This is a sign that the wilderness tribulation is just ahead.) I asked for a verse for these men and received Luke 8:23. Here it is in context: {Luk.8:22} Now it came to pass on one of those days, that he entered into a boat, himself and his disciples; and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake: and they launched forth. {23} But as they sailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filling with water, and were in jeopardy. {24} And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. And he awoke, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm. {25} And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And being afraid they marvelled, saying one to another, Who then is this, that he commandeth even the winds and the water, and they obey him? (This saving of the ship is alluding to the Lord's command to stop the crash of the vehicle with Eve, the Bride, in it. The Man-child and these 12 men will be saved from the crashing vessel. At this point, I asked the Lord if these 12 men were the Man-child or the disciples of the Man-child typed as David in the dream and got no answer but the thought then came to me that both could be true. The 12 are the Man-child body as in other dreams. Also, the new leadership Man-child, Jesus, raised up the 12 apostles to be the new leadership of His Church.) I asked for a word for the dream and received Ezekiel 36:21. Here it is in context: {Eze.36:21} But I had regard for my holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations, whither they went. (The so-called Church has not represented Jesus or Biblical Christianity, which is with power and holiness.) {22} Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: I do not this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for my holy name, which ye have profaned among the nations, whither ye went. (God is about to save the Church from captivity and murder at the hands of Pharaoh and his mighty men but not because they deserve it.) {23} And I will sanctify my great name, which hath been profaned among the nations, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the nations shall know that I am Jehovah, saith the Lord Jehovah, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. (Men did everything they could but pray in faith. The Bride did pray in faith. God will soon move to turn things around. {Rom.9:17} For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, For this very purpose did I raise thee up, that I might show in thee my power, and that my name might be published abroad in all the earth.) I asked for a text for all that the angel said and received Isaiah 1:6. In context: {Isa.1:4} Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that deal corruptly! they have forsaken Jehovah, they have despised the Holy One of Israel, they are estranged and gone backward. (The Lord is applying this to this sick Church, who turned away from Jesus, the Word.) {5} Why will ye be still stricken, that ye revolt more and more? the whole head is sick (the entire leadership of Christianity is corrupt), and the whole heart faint. {6} From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and fresh stripes: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with oil. {7} Your country is desolate (devoid of the true God); your cities are burned with fire (One of the ways Babylon as a type of the DS destroys this apostate Christianity.); your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers. The invasion of adversaries who destroy this sick nation and its sick church will be stopped by the only God in great mercy to give time for the Man-child ministry to raise up the Church who could not stand persecution now, for "Jacob is small”. Impeachers Will Be Impeached (3) David Eells - 11/20/19 The DS Democrats have been true to its habit of announcing what it will do before it does it. Lately we have seen three announcements of an attempt on the Presidents Life, Biden's threat of the 17th threat, Pelosi’s Bracelet threat, and Brennan and Powers threat. All of these ended in failure because Cyrus has not finished the Job God sent him to do. I have heard of somewhere around 14-15 attempts of all kinds on the presidents life. Several were caught on video. We also have received many prophetic warnings ahead of these attempts, including this last one, and prayed them down by God’s grace. Keep on praying friends, God is hearing. This last one was a poisoning attempt. As usual, we also received a prophetic warning which may be this last attempt or one to come. The Assassins Will Fail Vanessa Weeks - 11/1/19 (David’s notes in red) I had this dream that I was in a Democratic meeting room and all the people were young, in their 20's or 30's. A young man was at a podium and calling the meeting to order. He was saying things about accomplishing their plans, and I believe part of it was to get President Trump out of office. He was nervous and was not confident that they could pull it off. He was saying that all they had was two things in their favor. (But I don't know what these things are.) And he was trying to convey how this was not much and I knew he was afraid it would fail. As he talked I walked over to a table and there was a photo of two people, I think a man and a women. I took a box cutter and cut it down the middle, between the two people. (This could be a prophecy which points to the fashion of Voodoo attacks, possibly to cut off P. Trump or his wife and/or bring division between them through faction spirits. Please do warfare against this. The attempts on the President's life are wearing on the first lady.) Next in this dream I saw three or four box cars that were open. They were full of men standing up. They were all dressed the same, in red, white and black suits. Then I heard from my left, "He does not stand a chance." And I knew that he was referring to President Trump. (We have learned from our own dealings with factious witchcraft assassins, that their demons always give them confidence their attacks will work, but they never do. They have confidently attempted to kill me and failed.) I asked the Father for a word about this dream and received by faith at random Num. 12:1 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married; for he had married a Cushite woman. (These two factious leaders tried to usurp authority over the President of that time, just as Pelosi and Shiff are doing, and this failed because God took his side.) These two were judged by the Lord, and especially Miriam, with leprosy. Num 12:1-11 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married; for he had married a Cushite woman. 2 And they said, Hath Jehovah indeed spoken only with Moses? hath he not spoken also with us? And Jehovah heard it. 3 Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men that were upon the face of the earth. 4 And Jehovah spake suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three unto the tent of meeting. And they three came out. 5 And Jehovah came down in a pillar of cloud, and stood at the door of the Tent, and called Aaron and Miriam; and they both came forth. 6 And he said, Hear now my words: if there be a prophet among you, I Jehovah will make myself known unto him in a vision, I will speak with him in a dream. 7 My servant Moses is not so; he is faithful in all my house: 8 with him will I speak mouth to mouth, even manifestly, and not in dark speeches; and the form of Jehovah shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant, against Moses? 9 And the anger of Jehovah was kindled against them; and he departed. 10 And the cloud removed from over the Tent; and, behold, Miriam was leprous, as white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous. 11 And Aaron said unto Moses, Oh, my lord, lay not, I pray thee, sin upon us, for that we have done foolishly, and for that we have sinned. I was also reminded of a dream I had in Feb. of 2017. President Trump was answering questions at a press conference. The reporters were being mean to him and asking questions about the things he was doing as if they were disgraceful and I knew they wanted him to leave office. He replied, as he motioned with his hands, "Things are getting better; when things are better, I will leave." Then he immediately left the platform and was gone. (Things are getting better and the factious are going down to destruction and this turn for the better of true Christianity will continue until the beast makes war on the saints in the middle of the tribulation in Rev 13. Then P. Trump will leave.) I asked the Lord why he will leave and received by faith at random Mat. 24:21 for then shall be great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, no nor ever shall be. (The Great Tribulation starts in the middle of the tribulation with the mark if the beast - Rev.13.) I also asked Him why things will get better and received by faith at random Eze. 44:9 This saith the Lord Jehovah, no foreigner, uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, of any foreigners that are among the children of Israel. (The mark is God’s plan to separate from His body on earth from the tares who will take the mark and be rejected.) As I think about the 2017 dream it encourages me that President Trump is not to leave office until the middle of the tribulation. Father I thank you for having all this in your hands and you chose this President to accomplish your purpose. Please divide his enemies that are trying to make him leave early and divide this country. In Jesus name we loose the angels to divide the people who are trying to do this. Thank you that you will judge those who speak against the man you have chosen; amen. (Failing to take out the President the DS Democrats will attempt to take out President Trump's supporters but the righteous will have a Passover as we have reported. This will sanctify the Body of the apostates and the Faction Foreigners now just as the Mark of the Beast will do in the middle of the tribulation. httpss://www.ubm1.org/?page=god_warns_of_coming_pestilence . The Word I received by faith at random is: Psa 119:126 It is time for Jehovah to work; For they have made void thy law. Thank you Lord for the Red Sea.) Vanessa Weeks - 11/19/19 (David’s notes in red) I saw 8-10 eagles flying together in a blue sky. Then there was just one eagle flying over a white dome. And there was a white arch over it. (Our balance of powers government gives us a leadership of many people at the Capitol Dome but when faced with an attempted communist overthrow the Fathers gave us Martial Law in which the President has all power to put this down.) When I woke up I knew it was the Capital dome, but in real life it does not have this arch. And there was no pinnacle at the top in my dream. I asked the Lord for a word about this dream and received by faith at random 1 Kings 17:23. (In context vs.21-24) And he stretched himself upon the child three times, and cried unto the Lord, and said, O Lord my God, I pray thee, let this child's soul come into him again. And the Lord hearkened unto the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived. And Elijah took the child, and brought him down out of the chamber into the house, and delivered him unto his mother; and Elijah said, See, thy son liveth. And the woman said to Elijah, Now I know that thou art a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in thy mouth is truth. (Let us speak resurrection power into our Man-child in Government and Church to bring down these Satanists.) In this dream, I only saw the dome so this could be the capital of the dome of the white house. But this scripture makes me think it is the capital dome because that is where the house chamber is.