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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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From a prophet friend in east Florida: Vision 1: The Lord took me to the streets of America and I saw all the cities on fire, we have 8 million Moslems in America and when the war breaks out in the Holy Land and when America gets involved 8 million Moslems will burn America to the ground. I saw Moslem women coming into America and in their inner body parts vials of anthrax and bio chemicals. I saw 180 million Americans die in a 72 hr period, then I saw New York, Florida, Nevada- Texas, California nuked, we will be invaded. Russia and China will do it. Vision 2: The Lord took me in the spirit to outer space and I saw very dim stars and then the lights came on and I saw a huge asteroid brown in color coming to planet earth asteroid turning over and over like tumbling. Vision 3: The Lord took me in the spirit and I drove down the east coast of Florida and up the West Coast and when I was in Orlando, Florida - the Lord cut Florida in half and I said Lord have mercy and he said no more mercy and the second time I said Lord have mercy he said no more mercy and I asked the Lord why he is doing this he said, "Death of the innocents". I saw from Kissimmee, Florida to Miami under water, then the Lord showed me portable buildings stacked like a train all connected together the buildings were full of people with legs and arms missing. I ran into the buildings and there were no end of the buildings. Vision 4: I saw an asteroid race right by Florida and go north what a horrible sound and it hit us and then I saw helicopters with men with guns and when they came to me I disappeared and later I was somewhere else and I put out my hand and an apple was their and I are it; the Lord will take care of his true servants don't worry. Vision 5 : I was in a red suit and riding a red car and something was holding me from passing and going to the sea then they moved away and I got to the sea i dropped my cell phone and I went into the sea and entered a building that was very strong, and safe, Interpretation: I have a great call on my life Isaiah 63,64 and 65, Red is the blood of Christ and power the seas are the people for the harvest. The building is Christ and the cell phone is connection to this world. We are to be led by the spirit and hearing Gods voice and not sold out to the world. Gods Kingdom is not of this world. I died 17 years ago when I received the holy ghost and I'm a new creation in Christ Jesus. We must all go that way and we will do exploits for the end time harvest. Jesus said we will do greater things than he because he will send the holy ghost - Mark 16:17 Be one of then and give God all the glory.