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Ruth Lang - 01/13/2006 I was meditating on Matthew 10:15 for a few days. I asked the Lord, "Lord, what judgment is there, that is to come upon the nations, that shall be worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrah?" Then the Lord revealed to me suddenly that the true judgment was that they were utterly consumed & given over to their perverted flesh or reprobated. The Lord is saying earnestly to me that, likewise, judgment has come upon the nations and it is, THE DRUNKEN REVELLERY OF THE FLESH THAT IS CONSUMING THE NATIONS. The Saints of God shall know this hour and be sobered by it.
"Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city"(Matt 10:15). Judgment is upon the nations. TAKE HEED! FOR IT IS SO, DECLARES THE LORD. Judgment has come, HAS COME, HAS COME, ... IT HAS COME. This is truly the Hour of Judgment, I SAY IT IS SO declares the Lord !!! This is worse than that which destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, for in my mercy, says the Lord God, I destroyed Sodom, but in this hour, I SAY, that the judgment that IS and IS TO COME, shall be far worse! It shall be to the utter depths of darkness! The judgment of DRUNKEN CONSUMING FLESH is upon the nations! BEWARE AND TAKE HEED UNTO THIS HOUR... BE SOBER, BE SOBER, ... AS THE WORLD REVELS IN A DRUNKEN STUPOR ALL AROUND THEIR FLESH, I SAY UNTO YOU, ... BE SOBER! ... I SAY UNTO YOU, BE SOBER AGAINST THE DRUNKEN HOUR OF JUDGMENT. Be sober, for YET the depths of darkness WILL BE KNOWN, and this world will be consumed & overtaken I SAY CONSUMED AND DRUNKEN IN THEIR PURSUIT AND POSSESSION OF FLESH. I say, I say, Judgment HAS INDEED COME. Beware, take heed unto this hour and Be SOBER against the DRUNKEN HOUR. The disciples of Jesus Christ shall know that truly this is the hour! They shall know this is the hour of judgment, I tell you shake the dust off of your feet!"