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Linda Mast My name is Linda Mast and I am 15 yrs old. Here is my testimony of what the Lord did for me. I used to be tired for almost as long as I can remember. Then I really got tired in July-August of 2005. So we did some natural doctoring and found out that my liver, gallbladder, kidneys, pancreas and lymph nodes weren't working right. I finally got cleared up. Then I got sick one day and don't know why. I really had to take it easy; most of my organs didn't work again. It seemed nothing worked. It came back so easily. I was to the point I had to quit my job, and even putting up my hair made me sweaty and tired. I didn't do much and started listening to tapes, and the last while they were a lot about faith and unbelief. One of our friends gave us a book by David Eells called 'Sovereign God' and a CD 'Physicians in the Bible'. I didn't know it but Mom was really struggling about this faith healing. I asked her why she was so stressed out and pale and she didn't really say. Then I told her about this man that was healed when he did God's will -- even when it seemed impossible. She couldn't believe I told her that without even knowing any of her struggles. She then asked me if I just wanted to believe that Jesus healed me at the cross. We were kinda questioning it yet. The next day Mom got the flu and decided it was time to listen to the CD (Physicians in the Bible). I did too and got really exited and believed I was healed. That eve we said a little prayer for me. I had power in me like I never had before. Mom said she thought it could happen to other people but not to us! My eyes looked brighter and I felt stronger. I quit taking my pills and threw them away! My skin even looks younger. I had chapped lips one eve and didn't put anything on and it was gone the next day. Our faith wasn't always very strong, but God kept things happening so we'd keep believing. Here are a few things that happened to boost my faith -- no one knew anything about all this. Some one called and said she wished earlier she had her song about faith, then turned on the radio and that song was on! A card came for me that said 'may His strength bring health!' In the morning my daily bread talked about faith! I listened to Larry Jones and his message was about faith, and I asked someone to put a song on our voice mail and the 2nd one was The Great Physician (should be healer) A few days later my faith was really bring tested and I listened to Larry Jones and Duke Devol and both their messages were about faith, one was even about faith being tested. I have a different outlook on faith now. It costs a lot less too. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. James 5 is very plain; it doesn't say he might heal you, it says He will or has healed you. By His stripes you WERE healed.