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David Eells - 06/30/2013 Years ago, I had a vision of myself and others fleeing from a dragon, which Revelation 12 tells us is Satan in his world body of seven heads and 10 horns that will make war on the saints. We fled from our houses to a cave, meaning to the wilderness. The dragon found us and we fled to the water but we discovered we were in shallow water and the dragon could step on us, so we pushed out into the deep waters (of God's Word) and were safe. Bob Aicardi had a dream of people drowning in the shallow end of the pool, while those in the deep end were safe. Ever heard the saying, "like ducks to water" because it is such a natural thing? Darvin sent us this video that shows many ducks being rescued from a hoarder. The hoarder had never let them see or swim in the water of a lake, which was just outside the gate. When the gate was opened, the ducks saw it for the first time! The rescuers tried to herd them toward it but they ran from it, like a lot of Christians. What is sad is that some of the ducks, after being thrown into the beautiful water, ran out of it in fear and paranoia. We have seen some Christians do that, too. It is funny to see how they totally avoid the lake until one brave duck discovers how wonderful the water is and puts on quite a show of happiness, diving and splashing like crazy. Then, eventually, the rest see this and jump in and they all go ecstatic with happiness -- water flying everywhere. So it is with the Word. :o) Like the religious types who are captured by the hoarders and imprisoned by their scare tactics to warn them away from the true water of the Word and Spirit of God, so were these ducks. Rescuers came to set them free from their prison house and they were confused. Oh, what a wonderful time the ducks had once they overcame their fear. Christians who follow Jesus out of the fold and into the water know what I mean. Dive into the Word and have fun. It's all still true.