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Jenni Bishop - 06/07/2007 Two weeks ago, I received a bill in the mail saying that if we did not pay the last two missed payments on our car that they would repossess it. The bill had to be paid by 6/04/07. I knew we had no way of getting that kind of money so I did not tell my husband about the bill, which is something I never do. I always tell him right away as this is part of my job as wife but he has been having great victories in the Lord in these last few weeks and I did not want him to be burdened when we had no control over the situation. Instead I held that letter up to the Lord and told Him we couldn't pay it and that I was putting it into His hands. I told Him that I knew He was faithful to pay it even though I didn't know how. Then I forgot about the bill. Then last Thursday came and the bill was due the following Monday. I remembered the bill and fear tried to rise up in me right away. Usually I just cast those things down in my mind but this time I spoke to it right out loud and I reminded the Lord of all the promises in His word that I could think of that applied to this situation. Then I rebuked the enemy and told him that these things were God's promises so there was no chance of fear remaining in me about this bill. Some of the promises I remembered were that whatsoever we ask in His name He will do so that He may be glorified in His son, and that He has provided all things that pertain to life and godliness, etc. The next day, Friday, we went to dinner with my parents and they told me they had made something for me but they would not tell me what it was. Saturday they came over and brought this thing with them that they had made. It was some report cards and bills from when I was younger and then there was a letter about how when I was young they would collect bottles and cash them in and match the money. Then they would put it in the bank and in 1997 they put the money into savings bonds and hid them in the house and forgot about them. They said that they had just remembered about them and went looking for them and thought it would be a good time to give them to me. They did not know about the bill. When I took them to cash them in Monday to pay the bill on time, it was just over the amount that we owed in the two missed payments! I went and told my husband, "See, this is the Lord's faithfulness because we have this bill I didn't tell you about and the Lord paid it on time!" After some thought I was blessed to realize that when I was a child and did not know the Lord, He knew I would be His and that I would ask for this bill to be paid. For all those years my parents collected bottles and the Lord always knew the purpose, so He stored it up for me for that specific time. Amen! He is faithful and He always knows before we ask, even when we cannot see how it could be accomplished. I am beginning to understand that the more I cannot see any way in a situation, the more faithful and excited I should be at the wonder of His ways!