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Victor Khalil - 10/02/2007 I received an astonishing phone call last week from a woman named Alina, who called in response to the Diwaniya for Womentelevision show. She shared that she is a woman from a Catholic background and has been married to a Muslim man for 35 years. This is her incredible story: "My husband has abused and tortured me for the duration of our 35-year marriage. One day, in my sorrow, I picked up a Bible and Acts 16:31 became illuminated to me as if the Lord was speaking directly to me. It said, 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved, you and your household'. "I took the verse literally and started to pray, wondering, 'Who is this God? What does this mean? What does it mean to have faith?' I experienced something beyond words, and found later that I had experienced being baptized in the Holy Spirit. From that time forward, I was changed and the Holy Spirit became my best friend and teacher. "My family made fun of me; my husband was cursing me, the Bible, Christ, and Christianity. However, I continued to believe the promise of that scripture. I heard a voice say, 'Faith is not something you acquire or work for, it's a gift from God, you either have it or you don't'. "A few months later, my husband was diagnosed with cancer, and died soon after. I was overwhelmed with emotions. The doctors pronounced him dead and told me to prepare for the funeral. My children and all of my husband's seven Muslim brothers came to the hospital asking, 'Where is that God that made the promise now?' All that is in me cried out to God, reminding Him of His promise to me. "Suddenly my husband jumped out of bed screaming, "I died and went to hell! I don't want to go back there!" He then accepted Christ and I poured water on him and baptized him in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and he was then baptized in the Holy Spirit. With our families witnessing this, all accepted Christ and God fulfilled His promise to me!" She encouraged me, saying, "Continue with this show because our families are watching the show". I'll admit, my faith and theology were challenged when she told me some of these statements, especially about faith being a gift and you either have it or you don't. One thing I know for sure, God can do this and so much more that we can't even begin to think or imagine! See also Why Muslims Become Christians.