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Jacob Patek - 09/01/2012 The dream has two parts. It started as Gabe, Gideon, Garrett and I were walking across a university campus at what I would say was 12 noon, as the sun was directly overhead (noon being the time of day when the sun is at its highest and casting no shadow -- Jesus directly above our heads). (High noon: the time for a showdown with the enemy when victory was won back from them.) We were walking into what seemed like a bank and our thoughts were, we are going to take back all that the enemy has taken from us. (Satan has plundered the people of God of their rightful and legal heritage. God has already put in our account every need, according to His riches. {Phi.4:19} And my God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.) As we walked in, there were two women sitting at the front desk. We simply told them we were here for all of our money. It ended up amounting to five million dollars. (5 is the number of grace, which has met all of our needs.) (When I first woke up, I thought we had robbed the bank, but as I meditated on the dream and the Word, I felt the money was already deposited into our accounts and we were making a withdrawal.) As we withdrew the money, one of the secretaries sitting at the front desk called someone. (Taking what is ours through faith will make the enemy mad.) At this point in my dream, I could see whom she was talking to. She was talking to a man whose head was shaven (meaning he had no submission to God). He was very irate and filthy and from the looks of it, a very strong man. (Jesus has plundered the strong man of his goods in this world and given them to us and we are to divide the spoils of the god of this world. {Luk.11:20} But if I by the finger of God cast out demons, then is the kingdom of God come upon you. {21} When the strong [man] fully armed guardeth his own court, his goods are in peace: {22} but when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him (as Jesus did), he taketh from him his whole armor wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils. {23} He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. If you are not chasing demons, you are running from them. Claim what is yours as sons of the living God. Plunder Egypt with your faith! Didn't He say in {Mar.11:24} Therefore I say unto you, All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.???) The strong man said, "Don't they know who I am and why don't they respect my authority? I am the leader of the most powerful gang". (No, we don't respect his authority because it is no longer his; it is ours: {Luk.10:19} Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall in any wise hurt you. Let us plunder his world.) This is when the four of us walked out of the bank and back across the campus. (I told Gabe I felt the university campus represented us receiving a higher learning.) We then stopped at a deli shop and ordered only a loaf of bread and sat down to eat (possibly meaning that we are partaking of the body of Christ and having fellowship one with another in the Spirit). End of first part of dream. The second part of my dream had only Gabe and me in it. It started with the two of us walking to the gas station. As we were walking, I started to tell Gabe that this was the gas station I used to walk to when I was a child. (In my dream, I told him of a story involving this gas station that actually happened when I was child around the age of seven). I proceeded to tell him that when I was younger I walked to this gas station with some of the neighborhood kids and while we were getting our soft drinks, one of the kids stole a package of baseball cards. I asked him why he did that and if he knew that was wrong. His reply was, "It's only a pack of baseball cards". (With the desperate economic situation about to hit our world, the immature in Christ will be tempted to steal and justify it in their minds. But God has a better answer in this dream. Live by faith!) As Gabe and I approached the gas station, we saw an elderly woman restocking a newspaper stand. Gabe wanted to buy the day's newspaper and was holding some money to pay for it. He asked the woman how much it was and she replied with, "I don't know". Gabe and I started searching for some sort of price tag and found a couple, but the prices were outrageous, somewhere in the range of $90. Then Gabe said, "It's usually $3.49, but it used to be only 50 cents". (In the natural, inflation is about to go through the roof and we will need to know the principles of our supernatural provision above to escape this.) We ended up not getting the newspaper. (Filling our mind with the bad news is costly to our life. Better to refuse it and accept the Good News in the first part of the dream.) End of dream.