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Valerie Gleaton - 05/11/2010 I wanted to share my testimony with you about God's awesome power! I work with a Christian friend of mine and help her to manage her staffing agency. We changed payroll companies and we had to transition our temporary workers to the new payroll company. Expecting to face some opposition, praise the Lord, we only had one individual to become irate. To our disbelief, it was directed at me. Initially, I was taken by surprise because she was such a mild-mannered and soft-spoken woman. Out of nowhere she began to verbally attack me through emails, copying the owner of the company and her recruiter, which we are Christian sisters. When the first attack came, I felt the anger rising up in me and I was all geared up to defend myself! I was saying, the nerve of this woman attacking me like that and I didn't do anything to her. Just as I was getting ready to respond, I said "Lord, what did I do to this woman for her to act like this?" The Spirit of the Lord told me not to respond and let it go and I immediately felt that anger slithering away. Just as that happened, I received an email from her recruiter, my sister in Christ, advising me that she had spoken to her in my defense and informed her that she must cease with her unwarranted attacks. I knew she was being used by God as an honored vessel to take hold of buckler and shield and stand up for my help. As I was sleeping yesterday morning, I heard a piercing clap that echoed and I jumped out of bed. Immediately, I detected something stirring in my spirit. I was congested and my throat was feeling scratchy. I immediately prayed over it and believed the Lord had healed me and thanked Him for the healing and started on my day. However, my spirit was letting me know something was coming and I had to be still to hear the voice of God. I powered up my laptop and began to listen to the Bible study The Curse of Unforgiveness (5) for the second time. I began to read my emails and came across an email from the woman who had previously attacked me and she was attacking me again. At the very moment I began to read her email, your (David Eells) voice came through crystal clear when you spoke about the dangers of rewarding good with evil! It quenched my spirit when you said, "Don't be so quick to get angry at your enemies and jump to your defense! If you jump to your defense then there's no need for God to come to your defense because you've already handled it, whereas He could do a much better job". You further referenced the scripture where we are commanded to turn the other cheek! Wow! I immediately saw the move of God and knew I was being tested and taught at the same time. I recalled one time before where I witnessed to this woman via email and she cursed me out because I told her the truth about a man she was in love with who claimed God spoke to him and told him that He was going to reward him with multiple wives. Soon after she did that, I prayed for her and the Lord afflicted her! She was hospitalized for three days and they could not diagnose her illness (affliction). She emailed me and told me that while she was lying on her back for three days in the hospital, the Lord told her she had to apologize to me. She sent me an email and told me what happened and apologized and I forgave her. Therefore, I recognized the spirit of anger that tried to manifest in me when I began to read the email. Through faith, I rebuked it and it quickly slithered away again. I responded to the woman with politeness and advised her to consult with another point of contact as it would be our final communication and ask her not to respond to my email. I started to pray for her and praised the Lord for His faithfulness and awesome word through His Elder, David. Unknown to me, she did respond but the Lord did not allow it to come to me! She addressed her response as if she was talking to me, but it went to the other two Christian women instead and God used them to bring it to an end. God blocked it! Later that day, I received confirmation from the payroll specialist at the old payroll company. She sent an email to the three of us who were involved in the warfare with the woman, containing excerpts from a customer service survey their company conducted among our temporary staff. There were three different comments concerning the owner, the recruiter and me. They were all positive, stating how our service to them touched their lives in positive ways. I wrote the payroll specialist back and told her her email was on time and much needed. She wrote back and told me that she wasn't going to send it at first but she "felt it in her gut" to send! Awesome move of God when you are obedient to His word!!!