UBM Radio
Unleavened Bread Bible Study
Outreach Teleconference
Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Anonymous. - 06/28/2007 I had an interesting dream this morning before I attended your online Bible study. What is amazing is you too mentioned about Satan being under our feet. In my dream, I was before a door in an attic of a house with a group of white women (unknown to me). I had a golden key. We all knew that a demon would be behind that door. I unlocked that door with my key and entered that attic with these women following behind me. As I stood inside, a huge beast-like creature with a face like a bear/beast and with long hands (like a monkey)and full of hair, stood suspended in the air before me. I started singing a song which said, "Satan is under JESUS' feet". Interestingly, only I was singing this song, though there were a few women with me. They were like unwilling witnesses to the hideous-looking demon.Also, I did not rebuke or bind the demon at all! As I was singingthis song, the demon started getting smaller and smaller and smaller, until it vanished. I continued to sing and left that room with the others and locked that door behind me. Does the attic have any significance? Does it speak about the mind or something? I wonder why the demonwas locked up and also why I locked the door after me. Well, if I am overcoming the fellow, then Glory be to God Almighty for His grace and power!
Note from David: This is the valuable golden key to the kingdom that will loose from bondage.Itis the revelation in the attic of the mindthatall evil hidden there has been put under Jesus' feet, meaning under the body of Christ(Heb.2:6-8). Jesus is {Eph.1:21} far above all rule, and authority, and power, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: {22} and he put all things in subjection under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, {23} which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.
This was spoken first to Adam and his seed and then to Christ and His seed. {Heb.2:6} But one hath somewhere testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? Or the son of man, that thou visitest him? {7} Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; Thou crownedst him with glory and honor, And didst set him over the works of thy hands: {8} Thou didst put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he subjected all things unto him, he left nothing that is not subject to him. But now we see not yet all things subjected to him.
The battleground between us and Satan is the mind. {2 Cor.10:3} For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh {4} (for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the casting down of strongholds), {5} casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
The white women you demonstrated this to represent those who are justified by grace to walk in white,but they need this revelation to be free.
Satan gets his authority from us. When we repent and stop agreeing with him his influence in our mind shrinks until gone. {Mat.18:18} Verily I say unto you, what things soever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and what things soever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. {Luk.10:19} Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall in any wise hurt you. {20} Nevertheless in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
Can you imagine what will happen when Saints believe that Jesus in them has total authority over the kingdom of darkness? {Col.1:13} who delivered us out of the power of darkness, and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love.