UBM Radio
Unleavened Bread Bible Study
Outreach Teleconference
Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Scott's Vision I was awakened at 4 A.M. with a great burden to pray but with no specific direction. I got out of bed and walked into the living room (all was dark). After sitting in the recliner, I began to pray. Not long thereafter I began to see (with my eyes) the United States (not as a map). I could clearly see it all: the Smokies, Rockies, deserts, all of it. The light was like evening with shadows falling below the mountains. Canada, Mexico, and the two oceans were shrouded in darkness. As I was watching, I began to notice on the East Coast many small flickers of red and yellow flames springing up; and as the intensity of the flames grew, smoke began to come forth traveling westward at an incredible speed. It was then that I noticed flames all over the country in like manner. Suddenly, I was on or beside (in the air) a great rocky ledge looking upon an eagle perched on his nest facing the direction of the approaching cloud. The cloud was rolling across the land from top to bottom (like a carpet unrolling); it appeared to be boiling. It was then that I looked the eagle in the eye; there was no fear there, only determination. He sprang forth in the direction of the rolling cloud. As I watched him fly into the storm, I noticed many more, by the hundreds, leave their nests and fly into the storm. I also saw those cowards that would not leave their nest but waited. I also saw those that fled the storm but soon tired and were swept under. Those that had no fear came through the storm and out the top, losing only a few feathers. Again, I was looking down at America; but the scene was changed. It was still twilight, but death hung in the air. Ashes were from the North to the South and from the East to the West. As I looked at the bleak landscape, I saw the eagles that had come through, landing all across the country; and where they landed, a small glimmer of light began to grow in intensity, until like a shaft of liquid golden light, it shafted into the Heavens. It was then I noticed above me thousands upon thousand of angels. They had no halos, nor did they wear dresses but were clothed in pants and odd looking shirts of pure white with wide belts of different colors and designs. As the shafts of light came up, a group of angels would immediately descend to its point of origin. All across the nation, it was so; as the light went up, the angels came down. [When the angels hear the word of God (the light) from the lips of his people, they are loosed to perform his wonderful works (Psalm 103:20,21 / Mt.18:18 / Heb.1:14 / Rev.12:7-11).]