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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Robin Schenck - 02/25/2011 I had a dream early this a.m. and in it this song was being sung. Jesus was soon to come and those of us here in this area were getting together at a house. We were periodically keeping our eye on the horizon, aware that the Sonrise was going to come soon and we didn't want to miss it. This song was somehow playing or being sung from somewhere in the dream:
Note from David: What a story of the epiphany of Jesus in His people. Epiphaneia, is the Greek word meaning, "to shine forth". It is how He is manifested in His people before He comes for His people. For as Jesus said, "No one hath ascended into heaven but He that descended out of heaven". This is how "Shine Jesus Shine" tells the story. "Fill this land with the Father's glory ... Send forth Your word Lord and let there be light. Lord I come to Your awesome presence ... Ever changing from glory to glory, Mirrored here may our lives tell Your story". Here is the story from Scriptures in an excerpt from our book, Hidden Manna for the End Times. While the apostates in Jesus' day were waiting for the coming Messiah, He was being manifest in their midst as a Man-child born to a Woman. According to this type, the apostates in our day are waiting for Jesus to come in the sky to save them. They do not understand that He will come first manifested in the Man-child of Revelation 12. The Son will come to be manifested only in those children who "abide in Him". This is what the manifestation of Sonship is. Those who do not manifest Sonship will be "ashamed" like the man without the wedding garment, when they physically see Jesus. (1Jn.2:28) And now, [my] little children, abide in him; that, if he shall be manifested (in us as Sonship), we may have boldness, and not be ashamed before him at his coming (Greek: parousia, meaning His physical presence). Both the ancient manuscripts and the numeric pattern say, "if He be manifested" here. "If" shows that only the "children" who manifest Jesus or Sonship will not be "ashamed" when He comes. The KJV translated this "when He shall appear" because they thought this was a reference to Jesus' physical coming, which truly is a "when" and not an "if". A major problem with this translation is it has Jesus' coming twice at the same time. "When he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming". However "manifested" here is the Greek word phaneroo, meaning "to appear or make visible". It comes from the root word phan meaning "to shine". The same word used in many other places plainly shows us that the glory of Jesus will "shine" out of our "mortal bodies" (Rom.8:11) to "appear" to the world. (2Cor.4:11) For we who live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus may be manifested (Phaneroo meaning "shining appearance") in our mortal flesh. Obviously this is a spiritual shining of the righteous glory of God out of us but sometimes God allows even lost people to see it. Around 1984 I was witnessing to a man who said, "I saw you some years ago and there was a light shining out of you wherever you went and I wondered what it meant". (6) Seeing it is God, that said, Light shall shine out of darkness, who shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Notice in the same text that if we know the true "face of Jesus Christ" in the mirror by faith, His glory will shine in us. (3:18) But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory. (Col.3:4) When Christ, [who is] our life, shall be manifested (in us), then shall ye also with him be manifested (shining appearance) in glory. Back in our 1 John text, we see that when we are children He has not yet made His shining appearance in us. (1Jn.3:2) Beloved, now are we children (teknon) of God, and it is not yet made manifest ("shining appearance") what we shall be. (If He makes His shining appearance in us "we shall be like him".) We know that, if he shall be manifested ("shining appearance", i.e., in us), we shall be like him; for we shall see him even as he is (in the mirror). The ancient manuscripts, the numeric pattern, and the Received Text all say "if he be manifested" here. Notice also that those who "see him even as he is" in the mirror by faith "shall be like him". We must believe that "as he is, even so are we in this world" (1Jn.4:17). The rest of this text confirms this manifestation of Jesus will come in those who have "confident expectation" of it. (1Jn.3:3) And every one that hath this hope (Greek: "a good, confident expectation") [set] on him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. Can we purify ourselves as "as he is pure"? Those who have a "confident expectation" of this manifestation of Christ in them will receive grace to walk in it. (Titus 2:11) For the grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to all men, (12) instructing us, to the intent that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly and righteously and godly in this present world; (Only those who are "looking for" the "shining appearance" of Jesus' glory from them will have it.) (13) looking for the blessed hope and appearing (Greek: epiphaneia, a "shining forth") of the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; (Notice that this does not speak of the coming of the Lord but of the coming of His glory. Epiphaneia here speaks of Jesus' coming in us and is distinct from parousia, which speaks of His personal "presence" or coming. In other words, He will come for those from whom He is "shining forth". He is coming in His saints before He comes for His saints. To this end He sacrificed Himself.) (14) who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a people for his own possession, zealous of good works. The Man-child is those who are the First-fruits company to manifest the glory of this purity. Those who fight the good fight of faith shall have this epiphany of Jesus, either as the Man-child or as the Woman He leads into this understanding. (2Tim.4:7) I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith: (8) henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give to me at that day; and not to me only, but also to all them that have loved his appearing (epiphaneia). Like Paul, those who have loved His "shining forth" in them shall have the "crown of righteousness".