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Unleavened Bread Bible Study
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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Kaile Hamilton - 10/16/2008 The dream began with a group of people and me entering into this store that reminded me of a Sam's Club. As we were entering through the doors, I noticed that I only knew one person in the group; his name is James who went to the church I went to in El Paso. That was the only time that I saw him during the dream but I felt like seeing him and recognizing him was significant. After we entered the store, the group separated into two groups. I went with one down one isle and the other group went down the isle to the right of the one I was walking down. As the group I was with stopped walking, we were about to sit down on one of the shelves and at that point I realized I was with the group of teachers. The teacher to my left then told me, "The students are in that isle. You need to go to be with them". I said okay and as I began to go around the corner the lights in the store went off. I then heard a man's voice on a loudspeaker that said, "Take what you need and want before it all runs out". As soon as he was done speaking, strobe lights began to come on and off as they shined on the darkened shelves. I then realized that I had been strapped into a bungee harness and I was attached to a bungee cord. I began to jump up and down at the shelves to take what I needed. I started at the bread so I grabbed a loaf of bread; then went to the next section and grabbed a can of spam; then went to the next section and grabbed a canned vegetables and then a can of fruit. I came to the last section of shelves which was the beverages and jumped up to grab some green tea but right before I was able to grab hold of the package the lights turned on. (Note from David: This just means that people will have to jump from place to place to get the items needed.) I came back to the ground and realized that I had run out of time to get a beverage but I was at peace about this all. I knew I had all that I needed. As we were going to come together to see all that we had, I woke up. Later in the day, I went to the store to get some groceries for my mom and me. I wasn't really paying attention to the items around me, other than what I was purchasing, until I got to the produce. I went around the corner to get some potatoes and I was shocked to see that the majority of the potatoes were gone. I have lived in this area for over two years and I had never seen there not be a whole display full of potatoes. There were only 15 bags left and they were all the 5 lb. bags; there were no 10 lb. bags left. I was astonished. I then called my mom and told her, "I have something to tell you; it's starting!" When I was on the phone I began to observe everything around me and noticed that most of the beef was gone, some of the fruits, and the flour and sugar were really low. I thought that this was significant, considering all of the dreams that have been given to the brethren about going to the store and there being lack on the shelves and produce sections. I was also reminded of the part of my dream where the voice said to, "Take what you NEED before it all runs out". I know that in the natural there being a shortage in the grocery store might have just been the store hasn't gotten their shipment in yet but I knew spiritually, seeing a shortage was the Lord's way of reminding me of the dream that He gave me the night before and how important His provision is in our lives. There is going to be a time soon where we are not going to be able to lean on stores being filled with food; we are going to have to lean on the Lord and His promises that: (Php.4:19) My God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.