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Bill Rowe - 07/15/2008 David, in a dream, I was leaving your home and, as I was standing in the dining room near the door, you gave me two packs of four VHS tapes. (Bill, as a UBM elder, was in the place of serving food and received 8 VHS tapes, which is an old method of serving teachings. This represents leaving the house of David, representing the man-child ministry, to distribute the faith as it was "once delivered unto the saints". They were in two packs because the Man-child ministry will distribute the teachings through two corporate witnesses as Jesus did through his disciples who went forth two by two.) You told me that these tapes covered a teaching on the entire book of Genesis. These tapes were new, not used, still wrapped. (Genesis means birth or beginning, which is also the meaning of the number "8" in scripture. Genesis is the teaching of the creation of the natural man just as we are entering now the time of the creation of the born-again spiritual man, which is Christ manifested in His body. The latter rain anointing and manifestation of the Man-child and tribulation will bring the full manifestation of son-ship in God's people.) As I opened the door to leave, I noticed there were about 30 or so people in your front yard, all very busy working. A group of them were resurfacing your driveway with cement. (Here we see the way being prepared before Bill to bring the original faith, which manifests Christ, to the World. The John the Baptist repentance ministry prepares the way for the coming of the Lord in His people. {Isa.40:3} The voice of one that crieth, Prepare ye in the wilderness the way of Jehovah; make level in the desert a highway for our God.) I had held this dream for months but, not knowing of it, Gerard Drake on 7/15/08 felt of the Lord to use his construction crew to resurface the apron part of my driveway with concrete. Not wanting to be wasteful, I said, "Why don't you just throw some blacktop in the holes since I won't be here long?" Then the Lord reminded me of the dream so I dug it out and looked it over. Realizing that resurfacing my driveway with concrete is an important prophetic sign of the soon beginning of releasing our materials in a much more public way, I told Gerard to please go ahead. He measured it for concrete the next day. A few years before a hole broke in the blacktop so I filled it with concrete but now it was broken again. Gerard pointed out what looked like two stone or concrete tablets lying in the broken blacktop. He said, "Look, the two witnesses". (We had taught that the two tables of the testimony of the Word which Moses as the Man-child brought to the people were the same word as witnesses. Jesus sent the disciples forth as two corporate witnesses, two by two.) I said, "Yes, just like the two packages of VHS tapes". On 7/26/08 Gerard and a volunteer crew who had read our book Sovereign God came on their day off and finished with the driveway. Long story short, we feel that the surfacing of the driveway is a sign that the John the Baptist ministry will make possible the release of our materials in a much bigger way. The apron of the driveway connects our private road to the public road. Its finish symbolizes the soon finishing ofthe John the Baptist ministry so that the message of the Man-child can go through the witnesses to the public road, as in Jesus' time. This is probablya sign of the soon beginning of our satellite TV channel ministry to the nations. Along the side of the driveway was a palletof cinder blocks and as I recall, a chain-link fence was also being erected in the front yard. (Cinder blocks, like the stones in theTemple,represent the members who make up the building of the house of God. A chain-link fence separates the house of David from the world, keeps the children out of the world and protects them from the world.) When you gave me the tapes, I was curious as to why a teaching on Genesis, but my thought in my dream was that it was something I needed to know. (The timing and message going forth is very important to fulfill types.)