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Barbara Arroyo - 10/20/2012 In a dream, I was in a house that was not the house I am living in now. And the government/military came to my house, about five or six men. Not really sure how many. They came in forcefully and pushed me onto my couch. My mom (who is already with the Lord) was standing there and they smacked her and she fell to the couch. (The dead mother church will suffer most at the hands of the beast.) This disturbed me but I held my cool, which normally I wouldn't have, but now I knew I was to be dead to myself and not react. (We must not wrestle with flesh and blood. If we take the sword, we will die by it.) They searched my house but I don't know what they were looking for. They went in what appeared to be my son's room. But my son is 35 and in the dream he was a little boy about seven years of age. (Maybe his spiritual age.) They said I didn't have an adequate bed for him, so they were taking him from me. (Those not in the rest will be captured by the beast.) Then they went to search my room, so I asked them, "What are you looking for? I don't have anything in here but my reading materials". (I have all of David's books printed out and put in stacks in folders.) One of the men said, "That's what we are afraid of". And the other guy said, "They are Christian". Then I exclaimed, "Well, I would die for my faith!" And the one man said, "This is serious". (The beast doesn't like me calling them the beast :o) Satan hates the Word, which is dangerous to his kingdom. His minions don't understand why they feel threatened by it. It is because he lives in them. When they find someone who is willing to die for the Word, they have lost the battle. If we die for truth, we will live with God.)