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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Anonymous - 02/23/2012 I dreamed I was suddenly above Earth near the top of a huge mountain. On the very top of the mountain was a city (Zion the Bride). As I climbed the mountain, the city began to shine more and more brightly, which gave enough light to see where I was going. I was being drawn to an ancient palace in the center of the city. {Heb.12:22} but ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem... Notice he told the disciples they had come to this heavenly, spiritual capital city in fulfillment to the natural city in the Old Testament.) The doors were very high, at least 15 feet tall, and made of solid gold covered in precious stones. As I came up to the door, it opened by itself. I was drawn to the east side of the palace. There was no apparent source of light but the palace was lit by the glory of the Lord (as in Revelation 21:23). I came to a man who asked me if I was there to see the Lord. He was dressed in white linen pants and a white linen shirt, and he had short, light-colored hair and a light-colored beard. I answered, "Yes", and the man said, "Wait here", so I did. Then the man returned and told me, "The Lord is expecting you". Then the man and I went up to another door, which was wood and had very old-looking carvings on it. The door was 10 feet high and seven feet wide, which comes to 70 square feet. The door had no key or knob on the outside, so it could only be opened from the inside. As we approached the door, it opened but the man stayed outside. He told me, "Enter by yourself". I walked into a huge room. At the end of the room was a very large, white marble throne. Next to the throne was a wooden chair. The chair's back was a semi-circle with the back left open. I sat next to the throne and though the Lord was already seated on His throne, I could only see the glory of the Lord, which was bright light. So I began to talk with the Lord, but all I remember is that at the end of the conversation, the Lord said, "Go, tell the people, 'I AM coming'". (Sent forth from Zion to deliver the good news.) Then an even brighter light appeared and it was the Father's presence in the room. A voice thundered in the room. It shook me; I could feel the vibrations going through my body. The voice said, "I AM". (This reminds me of the scene in the Moses being anointed dream because that was when God first reveled Himself as "I AM" and also the dream of the stone tablet where the Lord said, "This is the Man child, send Him forth". Also, where Father said, "I AM the Lord your God and I AM able to make them ready!" The I AM's seem to tie these different dreams together.) I fell to my knees because the voice was very loud and I tried to cover my eyes because the light was so bright that I couldn't see anything, but I could still sense that the Father and Son were both in the room. The voice said again, "I AM their God. Tell the people, 'I AM'". After I heard the voice, I began to crawl on my knees and feel my way back to the wooden door. The door began to open and it was less illuminated outside the room, so I could see the way to leave. As I got past the door, the man helped me to leave the palace. As we were leaving the palace, he told me, "Remember the words". I began to climb down the mountain until I reached the bottom. The scene changed and I was on a white horse, like a Pony Express rider delivering enveloped messages to the people. On the papers inside the envelopes was written, "I AM coming". After I finished riding everywhere and delivering the envelopes (the good news of "Christ in you"), I got off my horse, went into an old shack and went to bed. I asked for verses concerning this dream and received, {Psa. 84:4} Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: They will be still praising thee. (His house is where He lives. Zion, the Bride is that prototype. His temple and presence was there. As the dream shows, He is coming in Zion manifested first as its King in the type of David. Then he will come in His Bride.) And {Mat.15:6b} And ye have made void the word of God because of your tradition. (When the Lord says, "I am coming", the worldly church has no idea what this means because of the traditions of men totally blinding them. Jesus was plain in John 16:19-22 that He would return as a baby Man-child born to the woman who had been in travail with Him. He described His disciples as that woman. This is how He said, "I will see you again". In other words, He will come in and through His people before He comes for His people. We are told in Hosea 6:1-3 that this will also be the latter rain outpouring and revival in a repetition of history to the way He came the first time as the former rain revival. "He will come unto us as the rain, as the latter rain". And I asked for confirming verses for Matthew 15:6b to get a better sense of what the Father wanted to say along with this dream and got, {Luk.22:61} And the Lord turned and looked upon Peter and Peter remembered the Word of the Lord, how that He had said unto him, Before the cock crow this day, thou shalt deny me thrice. (Peter represents many today who will deny the suffering Man-child for the sake of saving themselves. We are warned, "I am coming", so do not deny Him, even in His brethren. {Mat.25:40} ...Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of these my brethren, [even] these least, ye did it unto me.) The second confirming verse for Matthew 15:6b is from same chapter. {Mat.15:10} And He called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear and understand: {11} Not that which entereth into the mouth defieth the man: but that which proceedeth out of the mouth, this defileth the man. These verses must be in reference to what the bearded man said as I was going to deliver the message, that I needed to "Remember the Words" and not doubt or deny(?)