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Unleavened Bread Bible Study
Outreach Teleconference
Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Eve Brast - 04/30/2016 I had a dream this afternoon that is very encouraging for us. I dreamed I was standing in the middle of the driveway as you top the hill to Jeff and Sandy's house. It was sunny outside with almost a white sunlight like when the sun is close to or at the noon position. (This is the perfect day because there are no shadows; darkness is defeated before the Sun/Son.) I saw all the local UBM brethren clearing all the vines and weeds away from the Shaws' house. Some pulling with their hands and others with tools. (Exactly likewe were doing in real life today when helping to clean and trim and weed around their house.) In between where I was standing and the front corner of the house was a large square tower made of white stones. (The white stone tower is the Bride who is being put together as her members are sanctified. {Mic.4:8}And thou, O tower of the flock, the hill of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, yea, the former dominion shall come, the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem.) Three of the sides were complete and we were six or seven stones (people sanctified) away from completing the fourth and final side. (Pray for these six or seven saints to be set free.) The stones were all about a foot or so in diameter and the tower was larger at the base and more narrow as it reached the top. {1Pe.2:5} ye also, as living stones, are built up a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. It was flat on top, almost like a huge stone altar. As the brethren cleared away the wild vines and weeds out of the flower beds surrounding the house, they would uncover these stones and then they would supernaturally disappear from the beds and reappear in their perfect position in the tower which was almost as high as the roof of the house. (As the lives of these living stones were freed from the weeds and vines of bondage, they were ready for the Bride.) Then I woke up. I thought of the Shepherd of Hermas when I began to meditate on this dream and what it meant. (The tower was in building there too and it was said that the stones could go into the tower as long as it was being built but after it was finished no more stones could be included.)
Anna Stewart - 04/27/2016 (David's notes in red) The dream I shared on the conference fellowship last night was where Matthew and I were in an old red '90s model F-150 pickup (which we don't really have in real life) and we had three bales of hay in the back. We were driving up this narrow one-way dirt road up a mountain (Zion) and the farther up we got the less hay we had. I said, "By the time we get to the top of the mountain, we won't have any hay left". (This represents the further up Zion we go the less flesh we have, since Peter said "all flesh is as grass". (The three bales being that which comes from the earth in spirit, soul, and body.) Being in an old red truck may be the first ways that the apostles gave us and the red being covered by the blood and the ride being in the rest.) {1Co.3:10}According to the grace of God which was given unto me, as a wise master builder I laid a foundation; and another buildeth thereon. But let each man take heed how he buildeth thereon. {11}For other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. {12}But if any man buildeth on the foundation gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay, stubble; {13}each man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it is revealed in fire; and the fire itself shall prove each man's work of what sort it is. {14}If any man's work shall abide which he built thereon, he shall receive a reward. Wood, hay and stubble would not abide in fire because it is the works of man.) When we got to the top there was a meadow and I saw a tornado (When the Bride is mature enough to be chosen, then comes Judgments: earthquakes, volcanoes, economy crash, martial law, etc.), but I wasn't scared. As it touched down, the sky went black (volcanic activity, blackouts, a time of judgment). I could see stars and all the other planetary stuff which you could never see with the naked eye and straight up above were these two bright lights. In the dream I knew that they were two suns. (When the Bride is chosen, Planet X will be here? This could account for the earthquakes when she reaches the top.) And then in the dream I was telling Michael what had just happened, so that's why I wanted to share it.
One other thing I wanted to share. We had eight lambs this year and I was believing we wouldn't lose any, as we usually lose at least one to something or other, and we didn't have any bottle babies, which might have been a first. But two were born dead, then just recently one died of an unknown cause, two went missing, must have been coyotes, but we have never had any go missing before, and one got its head eaten off through the fence (coyote?). I just thought that it all kind of lined up with the parable of the sower pretty well because God calls His people sheep. The stillborns would be the wayside ones because they never had life; the missing ones are the ones sown on the rocks because they fell away when temptation arose (I know that they strayed away from the others when they were eaten because the others were not frightened, which they always are for a few days when something scares them). The one that died of who-knows-what was then picked by birds and the one who lost its head would I guess be the third group who didn't bring fruit to perfection. And then, of course that leaves the last two living ones to be the ones sown in the good ground. Even though it was sad what happened, I saw it as kind of a parable and a warning too because, just like the parable of the sower, only 1/4 of them made it. One other thing is that my nieces wanted to name some, so they decided on Marly and Charley. Then Mallory was like, "I know, I'll name mine Jesus!" So Tasha decided to rename hers God. I told them that might get a little confusing, "God, get out of the hay!" "Jesus, don't be so greedy". Etc. So we stuck with Marly and Charley. I just thought it was interesting that Marly was going to be Jesus but stuck her head through the fence out of curiosity and got taken out. Because everybody plans on manifesting Jesus, but fence-straddlers (or those halfway through the fence) won't make it.