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Unleavened Bread Bible Study
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Hidden Manna For the End Times
UBM Ministries: Other Resources:
Michael Robertson - 12/25/2013 I just wanted to share something with you that I feel God is doing. A few weeks ago, I was in the bathroom with Malachi, my four-year-old son, and we were talking. I noticed a rash had developed on his skin; it kind of looked like a bunch of ant bites. I asked him if they hurt and he said they were itchy and he needed some cream. I said, "How about we let Jesus heal them?" I asked him if he believed that Jesus would heal him and he said yes. Then I asked him if he wanted Jesus to heal him and he said yes. I then commanded the itchy rash to leave his body in the name of Jesus and before he got out of the tub it was gone! AMEN. Last week Malachi began to cough at night; he was very raspy didn't sound good at all. I went to give him some water and to pray over him but it really just kind of soothed the cough and it didn't go away. The next night, he started coughing again and I asked the Lord why He didn't heal him. Then I heard Him ask me, "Why are you asking Me to do something that I already commanded you to do?" I said ok. I went to his room and laid my hand on his throat and commanded the cough to leave his body and rest to enter him. He immediately quit coughing and hasn't coughed since. AMEN. Melanie, my wife, came to me the other day with her arm that's been hurting and asked me to pray over her. I asked her if she believed that Jesus would heal her and she said yes. I commanded for that pain to leave her body and she told me that it started feeling better right away. I asked her this morning if the pain had gone completely and she told me that it had left that day and hasn't returned. Thank you, Jesus! AMEN.