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Kaile Hamilton - 10/23/2008 In a dream, I was with a group of students headed toward a convention center when all of the people we encountered along the way tried to discourage us from going there because they said it was in a bad part of town and was very dirty there. No matter what was said, we still kept on walking toward the convention center. When we got there we all went through the doors and as soon as I walked through the glass doors I saw how nice it looked inside. I didn't see that it was dirty like the people had said it was going to be. (The Convention Center is where the students are going to truly learn of God. Apostates have always believed such a place is unclean. The Pharisees thought that Jesus was a false teacher and His students were deceived.) All the other students filed into the auditorium but I needed to go to the bathroom and at this point I felt the need to take off my shoes. I initially began to recall what the people along the way were saying about how dirty a place it was and started to become concerned about where I was about to walk, but I cast that imagination down and just said to the Lord, "I trust you". I started to head for the bathroom and began to feel how clean the tile and carpet felt under my feet and once I got to the bathroom I was even more amazed. When I walked into the bathroom it was the most pristine and cleanest bathroom I think I have ever seen. I knew now without a doubt there was nothing dirty about this place and began to feel the peace of the Lord about being barefoot. (This training center is holy and clean.) After I was finished in the bathroom, I left to find my seat with my parents in the auditorium for our meal that we were going to have together. I was so filled with joy and peace that I didn't even notice that I didn't have my shoes on when I went into the auditorium. (The spiritual food served here is holy and clean.) When I woke up, I was reminded that I took my shoes off my feet in the dream. It was then brought to my attention that when in the presence of God, Moses had to remove his shoes so that he could be in the holiness of God. (Our feet are notto be separatedfrom holy or clean ground, meaning we are to walk ina place of holiness withGod.) From what the Lord showed me, I know that this is why I felt led to take my shoes off as well because I was entering into the holiness of God. The Lord also revealed to me that the students in this dream represented the students of His Word. As students of His Word, we will have many come against our walk with the Lord but we have to hold fast the confession of our faith that it waver not and walk in spirit and in truth. No matter what the flesh tries to tell us, we have to lean not on our own understanding but just trust in the Lord. This life that we live is not our own but it is Christ's to live in us; He is our hope of glory. When I didn't notice that I didn't have my shoes on, I believe that signified walking in His holiness and in His rest; the fleshhad been crucified. Thank you Jesus!