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11/13/2014 David: It happened to Greece, Cyprus, Spain and probably other European countries and last year we were told it was coming to us in America. It's here. Bankers have prepared to take what they need out of your account. Robin: Interesting report I found today regarding banks changing the meaning of money deposits to their banks. Name change alters value of deposit. Rob: It happened. Robin: IT SURE DID HAPPEN! Today is December 9, 2014 and I was on Jim Willie's site, where I found an audio interview of Jim with Rick Wiles. To the right of that, though, is this amazing headline that cites exactly the scenario in my dream of November 10, 2014! Check this out. More confirmation of my November 10 dream! Stunning. This could be (No, is!) a confirmation of my bank warning dream I had on the 10th of November. In the dream, I got a letter from my bank; the same letter also went to my sister and brother, telling us that we needed to MOVE our money in our account(s). It was a page-long letter in large typeface. My understanding in the dream was that the female bank officer was telling us we had to move our money either out of the bank or into something else, but to do it by the 12th of the following month, which is December 12th. The article at the link above is most curious in light of that dream. Many of the talking heads have always posited (the latest being Harvey Organ) that by mid-December the game is over and banks will make their biggest moves against depositors' money; that the Powers In Banking That Be love to implement sneaky, detrimental to all the rest of us financial decisions on the Friday before the Monday when the desired action actually takes place. The 12th is Friday and the move could come then on the following Monday or Tuesday, the 15th or 16th, which would bring us to mid-December; bank accounts may be pillaged and plundered at any time after this. But we shall see. Seems God manages to foil their plans and the plans of the wicked get frustrated for just a little longer. However, we also know the Lord tells us these bank deposit seizures will occur, so keep your eyes open, watch, be vigilant and pray for the Lord's direction for your household. Well, maybe I need to change my bank deposits into "bank notes" which is cash? Or maybe better would be change some cash into U.S. Post Office money orders? The dream was telling me to get my money out of the bank by December 12th. David: Our treasurer found that an extra $15 service charge was taken out of our account on the 17th of November, the day after the bankers changed the rules. See also this. Big banks will take depositors' money in next crash