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Jack "Poppy" Sims - 11/22/2007 Here's an outstanding miracle about our grandson. Jane and I were invited by Rebecca, our daughter-in-law, to her grandmother's house for Thanksgiving. After we ate, we sat and visited. Most of the children and young adults were outside. Then the devil struck. One of Rebecca's aunts called to Rebecca and said, "You had better come; Zachary is hurt". This had not been a good year for Zachary, as far as attacks from the devil. He was attacked two times on separate occasions by two different dogs and had to go to the emergency room on the second attack. Rebecca ran outside to where Zach was screaming, with Jane and myself right behind her. Zach is eight years old. The older boys had been roughhousing and Zach was right in the middle of them. Zach ran by his uncle John, who was squatted down. John reached out and grabbed Zach around his legs. The momentum of Zach running spun John around and Zach was being swung parallel to the ground right into the end of a boat trailer hitch, with his right eye making contact with the round part of the hitch where the ball goes. Zach said later, it felt like his eye got "knocked to the back" of his head. When we got to him, he had both hands over his right eye and, like I said earlier, he was screaming and screaming. Normally, this would be panic time and time to go to the emergency room. But GOD had plans to show His glory. There was no hesitation. Rebecca grabbed Zach and headed for the house. We were right behind her. Rebecca and Jane began to pray in tongues. I had a great peace come over me. I knew GOD was fixing to put this in our lap. Rebecca went straight to the bathroom and sat down with Zach in her lap. He was still screaming and had both hands clamped down over his right eye. Jane and Rebecca were still praying in tongues. Betsy, Rebecca's mother, came and joined us. I stood over Zach with my hand on his head and began to rebuke the spirit of pain because pain can be a demon spirit. At this point, Zach said, "I'm going to be blind". We all said, "Don't say that; you are not going to be blind". Then he said, "I'm not going to the emergency room". We told him, "You're not going to the emergency room". Then GOD said, "Give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18". I began to thank the LORD for the situation and HE said, "Now, ask what you want. John 14:14". Zach was beginning to calm down. I said, "LORD, I want that eye to be perfect, just like the other one". The devil immediately said to me, "You know that anyone who gets hit around the eye always has a black eye". I said, " GOD and no black eye". Zach totally stopped crying and began to smile real big. Rebecca was able to get him to move his hands. That was the most beautiful face I had ever seen. Everything was perfect. GOD showed HIS glory this day. From start to finish was less than 10 minutes. We came out of the bathroom praising GOD. There were about 30 people present and we were the only Christians. From what I remember, they were quiet and we were making all the noise. Jane and I had to leave at this point. As we watched Zach over the next two weeks, we never saw any sign of a black eye, any bruises or redness of any kind. Every time Jane and I think about or talk about this miracle, it just blows our mind. It shouldn't, but it does. You just had to be there is see how awesome our Mighty God is. We know that the devil came to steal, kill and destroy, but GOD gave us an abundant blessing this day. We give GOD all the glory for this outstanding miracle.