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David Mullinix - 11/18/2009 I wanted to iron a few of my shirts that had been piling up due to lack of personal attention. So, I sat up the ironing board, filled the iron with filtered water, turned it on and began to iron. Two shirts down and halfway through the third, the iron literally blew a tremendous amount of steam out ... and then died. Knowing the iron was relatively new (about a year old) and had been given to my daughter by her grandmother as a gift, I thought to myself, this shouldn't have happened. Looking at a stack of shirts still needing ironing, I was tempted to just pick up another iron for $25; however, I quickly realized that this was not supposed to be, that just like the hallelujah car was "healed and delivered", so this iron SHOULD BE, too. So I prayed over it, commanded the demons to let it loose and declared that it was healed in the name of Jesus. I turned it back on, but the manifesting of the "being made whole" had not happened yet. So I left it and the shirts to be ironed right there for three days. Now, I didn't plan to leave them there for three days -- it just happened that I got busy doing other things, so I didn't really get around to trying the iron out. I did though, periodically over the course of the three days, thank God that the iron HAD been healed. This morning, the Lord had me get up around 2.57 AM, so I sat on my prayer chair and began praying in the spirit for people ... and stopped on the iron. I confessed out loud that it was healed and then went back to worshiping with the Father. My daughter, Rachel, got home from work this morning at 7.30 AM and we were talking about a dream she had the night before and the interpretation of it. At about 8.30 AM, she picked up a smock she needed ironed for work that afternoon and handed it to me. I looked at her and began to say, "The iron is down but it's healed". And she said, "Oh, the iron". I said, "Yes, but it's healed", and she had agreed with me. So I said, "Let's check it out right now", and she replied, "Yes, let's do that". So I plugged it in and it was cold as a cucumber with only one of two lights coming on. But neither of us was going to take no for an answer from this thing, so I kept it on and we said to it, "You're healed. Get going", and it turned on. The heat started coming into it and I ironed that smock for her. Praise the Lord!